Living Life With Powers

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Authors Comment: Hey everyone please comment what you think!!! This is my first ever book and i would love to hear your feedback.



The fluro colours of light dangled on top of the walls, illuminated my room. I glared hardly at the computer screen typing a letter to a family member, halfway through I hear the cry of Julia.

“Dinners ready Tessa your Mum and Dad are waiting for you” Julia says through the intercom.

“Coming!” I reply back through the intercom. I lay my laptop on my bed before slowly walking through the twisted corridors that could easily relate to a labyrinth.

Walking through the corridors of creamy coloured walls I glanced at the photos hanging of my family. I quietly walked past the kitchen, inhaling the smell of rich flavours into my nose. Closing my eyes I smelled the spices . I walked into the grand dining room, which could seat fifty people minimum the walls were lined with a modern day feel wallpaper, spider webs hang across the side giving you that feeling that you knew this romm wasnt' used much, while on the roof hung a huge chandelier, the only thing that may the place old was the colour of the carpet, which was now an ugly faded brown colour.

Walking up to Mum and Dad, Mum was wearing a red silky dress that went past her feet and there was a V strap to outline her neck. Her hair was neatly hanging down reaching just past her shoulders. While her was face covered in makeup. My Dad was wearing an expansive suit with his hair neatly combed with a smile plastered on his face. While I stand just wearing trackies and a big jumper.. I quickly sat down, my parents had huge, cheesy smiles on their faice,  thoughts wondered through my mind, me, thinking how i was related to these people.

“Cough Cough” I look up to see Mum and Dad staring at me.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Honey we need to talk to you about school, we think we should transfer you to another school because of your powers." Dad said.

I just shrugged “I don’t mind"

 I really knew they liked my power I was the one that got us rich in the first place, and I scared them so much especially when I turned invisible and went on fire. Our conversation seemed to get awkward all the time though, seeming they were to afraid to get on my bad side thinking that I would burn them or use one of my 'freaky' powers against them."

“Um, were this school at?” I questioned.

They look at me guilty “We don’t know yet sweetie Mum said.

What the hell was wrong with them? They were sending me to a new school but didn’t no were it was. Instead of saying something I sat their silent. We ate our food in uncomfortable silent.

After eating the last bite of the cake a question formed in my mind,

"When will I start?"

They look at me before Mum saying “In two days”.

After Mum and Dad talked about the money sides of things we all left the dining room.

Quickly finishing the rest of my e-mail I climbed into bed thinking what this new school could be like.


Waking up the next morning, I quickly change into some skinny jeans which took practically five minutes each to fit one leg into the jeans. I swear that putting skinny jeans on should be a sport it took every ounce of your strength. I shuffled through my wardrobe before finding a nice t-shirt pulling it on.

Finishing my breakfast i’m shut the door giving me parents a glare.

Walking down the empty street to school the weather was chillier then normal for Autumn, I walked through a little abonened street, to get to school earlier. Kicking a rock, I felt I was being watched.

I stopped and turned around slowly I looked behind me. I let out a scream that only went half way...

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