C H A P T E R 3 6

Start from the beginning

"Come on Maya, let's dance." Alec says swallowing a long mouthful and taking my hand in his larger one.

I pause momentarily. Parties were always more Emmy's scene. She would go out every second weekend and come home at some ungodly hour of the morning completely wasted. But mum never knew about her sneaking out and I was always the one to cover her sorry, hungover ass the next morning. However I know how much she enjoyed these parties. The music, the dancing. And now she would never get to do anything like that again. I cannot help but think about what Jesse said and how he is probably right. As much as it pains me to admit that. Emmy would not want me to be moping around and so I will make the most of this night, for her sake.

With some sudden rush of courage I chug down the rest of my drink. Ignoring the burn, I throw my now empty solo cup into the same bin Alec had just used and allow him to drag me towards the crowd.

The music is loud, vibrating through my body like a endless pulse. Sweaty bodies move in erratic motions as a mass. I look to Alec, unsure what to do. He looks back at me, a wide grin plastered on his face, his green eyes twinkling with mischief in the evening light. The flames from the bomb fire are catching in the colours, swirling like an endless kaleidoscope.

Following his lead I start to move my body to the music, which probably looks more like I am having an epileptic fit and judging by the amused look on Alec's face, my assumption is correct. Eventually we fall into a rhythm, both moving randomly to the beat, laughing and smiling at each other. I hate to admit it but I am actually enjoying myself.

That is until the music changes. A slower ballad floats across the crowded, abandoned lot. Everyone starts to pair up. Couples joining together, arms around waists and hands on the backs of necks. I glance across at Alec, suddenly feeling very shy.

He takes a step closer to me and I try to step back but end up colliding with someone behind me. Loosing my footing I almost fell before Alec catches my forearms and loops my wrists around the back of his neck, his own arms circling my waist as he pulls me towards him.

I suddenly felt clammy, claustrophobic. He is too close and everything is starting to spin. I try to push him away, try to create some sort of distance. Completely ignoring my resistance, Alec pulls me firmly against himself once again and the moment I felt his lips on my neck I know this is heading south.

"Alec," I start, trying to gain his attention.

"What?" He asks sounding distracted and continuing his assault.

"Alec, don't." I insist, trying to push him away but he's bigger than me and my arms feel flimsy as the alcohol starts to take effect.

"Don't be a prude Maya." He grumble as he tries to push his hands in underneath my coat. "I'm just trying to have some fun."

"Well this isn't fun." I say starting to panic, pushing hard against his chest. Once again he doesn't budge.

His hands slip around my back as he tries to push them under my top and by this point I am seeing red. This is not supposed to be happening. As my vision starts to blur as I bring my knee up with as much force as I can muster, hitting him dead center.

Alec collapses in a heap on the gravel and clasped his crown jewels as a string of explicits leave his mouth. As soon as he goes down I turn and run. My feet carrying me away from the bomb fire, across the crunching gravel towards the nearest building.

Nearly tripping in my dizzy haze, I collapse against the outside wall of an old storehouse, out of view of the party. I hang my head between my knees as I try to slow my breathing. The world is spinning, my vision blurry and my heart feels like it is being squeezed in a vice.

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