U.T.A.H CH. 14

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* Milli pov *

Walking into Justin and Jazmine mansion it was something you'd see on t.v., I'm pretty sure Beyoncé would be jealous, I would go into details, but it's way too much. Walking around I found Jazmine " hey where can I put my things" " follow me." Following her I have counted twenty guards, two at the front gate, four in front and I'm guessing four out back ten were inside a room kinda like a break room. Showing me around I counted four more in different rooms. " why so much security? Do your parties get that wild?" " yes they do, but my dad doesn't want anything to happen to us, he's just paranoid if you ask me." Ok so that's 24 guards plus when he comes that's four more, so 28 plus them to kill 31. " wow , I wouldn't be surprise if here has cameras in the bathroom." " no, no cameras " she says with a laugh. Finally making it to a guest room, I put my stuff down. " you guys should number the rooms I'm going to get lost" " ha your right I still get mixed up sometimes and I've lived here for years." We laugh together and head down to the party. I'm glad I have an excuse to open all the doors ( looking for my room) even though I already know. Sipping on apple juice pretending it's beer, dancing with who knows I start looking for Ashleigh " this party is banging( wish we could actually party)" I tell her the last part in a whisper. Finishing off my " beer" I pull out my flask filled with some kool-aid, it looks like the alcoholic punch they're serving. Going to the kitchen Jazmine wants me to take a shot with her, I say yes, because it will make my breath. Shooting the shot down its vodka I chase it with orange juice. Dancing and acting how I was at my party minus the two guys, it was actually fun.

* After the party *

Walking around the mansion like I'm intoxicated, I find nothing. These guards should be fired how the fuck is everyone in side sleep. Placing guns underneath the dining room table, I leave one in the bathroom with a grenade. Leaving a grenade in a room next to the guards, all our weapons are in place.

* Two days later *

Getting dressed for the dinner I wear a black pants suit, with some red boots with a thick wedge. My under shirt is a blood red dress shirt with black designs. I'm looking sexy and sophisticated, I can run in the boots and I can wear my biker jacket. Ashleigh is dressed similar but the bitch got to go the extra mile. She's wear a blood red pants suit with black boots with jewelry and rings, she has her hair done nicely I have no clue what the hell it's called. Jumping on our bikes we head to the dinner. Arriving at the gate their are two guards throwing a timed bomb ( thank Micah I really love that boy... not like that) riding up the drive way we back our bikes up, cutting off the motor we leave our keys in and put our helmets on top. Ringing the door bell I begin to get butterflies in my stomach. " Yo Ash I love you.... no homo" " I love you to....... no homo" " why you hesitate huh? It's cool I know I look good" " bitch please you wish you could look like me" looking her up and down " naw I'll pass on that" I say with a laugh just then the door opens, it's Justin " Hey baby" Ashleigh says. They do there lovey dovey crap. My bestie is goodif I didn't know any better I'd say it was real. " Ahem" after pretending to clear my throat they break apart. Justin leads the way to the dining room. Sitting down, I placed the weapons perfectly. Greeting mr. Sands. We began talking starting with him trying to get information. " so what do your parents do" Ashleigh takes this question. " ummm they're dead sir.... my mother was a stay at home wife, and my father was a professional athletic" " oh sorry for your loss" " where do you see yourselves in the years" Ashleigh answers something. Was this a fucking interview. " I would like to become a cop or detective" I see Mr. Sands shift uncomfortably. Twenty five minutes pass by fast" my I be excused? I need a restroom?" " yeah I'll show you Jazmine says walking me to the bathroom. Once there I pull my knife

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