Chapter 2

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The ballroom was flooded with colorful gowns, ranging from brightly lite pinks to the deepest of blues. Sharply dressed men mingled between the glowing, glittering gowns. Danhy peered out from between the wooden poles of the banister, his bare feet dangling over the edge. He sighed in content, he has always wanted to dance in one of his families balls, but he has always been too young to attend, even now, after all of these centuries of being alive he is still being confined to his rooms for the evening. He has longed for the chance to prove to his family that he is worthy of being called an Original, but there is only so much a boy can do when his entire family keeps him locked away behind closed doors. He pressed his face closer to the bars in an attempt to see further into the room.

"Are you alright?" A smooth voice asked. Danhy turned his head to look back at a beautifully dressed woman; her brown and gold gown hugged her body tightly and puffed out around her waist, it fell down to the floor and dragged along behind her with each graceful step. However she was not the first he had seen with that face, that very face has brought his family such pain and anguish over the centuries and he wishes her nothing but a slow and painful death but he too was forced to make an oath of peace along with his family. "I am alright," he turned back to stare out over the ballroom, "You are the doppelganger. Elena isn't it." Even though his eyes were trained to the floor below Elena felt as though he were staring into her soul. "I would hurry along if I were you, Esther doesn't like to be kept waiting." He resumed tapping his fingers against the floor, ignoring Elena's spluttered reply, She turned quickly after that and left down the hallway. Danhy allowed a small smile to grace his features when he could no longer hear her heels clicking against the wooden floors.

The elegant music wafted up into the upper floors of the Mikaelson mansion and Danhy found himself swaying along to the beat. "I think it better to do right, even if we suffer in so doing than to incur the reproach of our consciences and posterity." Danhy struggled to hold back a sigh as a familiar stern voice spoke from behind him.
"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." He glanced over his shoulder at his Fathers looming form, Elijah was dressed in one of his most expensive black tuxedos."Robert Lee, papa, really?" The corners of Elijah's mouth turned up at this. He took the last few steps towards his son and knelt down at his side, resting a gentle hand on his bony shoulder.
"Perhaps if you stayed in bed there would be no need for such trivial quotes,"
"I just wanted to see the ball," Danhy whined, "You never let me attend anything fun anymore." Their eyes locked in a silent battle, the same battle they have fought each other over for the past thousand years. Elijah could feel his resolve crumbling underneath the intense gaze of his son's glistening blue eyes. Even after all of these years he can't believe that he is still this effected by his son's pleading stare. The older vampire sighed in defeat, "You may stay out until midnight but then you will return to bed,"
"Yes papa, thank you, papa," Danhy cheered, he couldn't wipe the grin off his face. It was only a matter of time before his father gave in.

Danhy pushed himself away from the banister, he hugged his father tightly, his arms winding around the older man's neck for a brief moment before he took off down the hallway towards his rooms. He changed into his best suit, which he had already laid out several hours before, with full knowledge that his father would give into his pleading eventually. Danhy made his way down to the first level of the mansion, he was paid very little attention by those attending the ball, many choosing to ignore him in favor of conversing between one another but the grinning faces of his Uncles and Aunt were hard to miss amongst the crowd. He made his way swiftly towards Rebekah, intending to stay by his Aunts side for the evening, "I see Elijah let you out of your chains,"
"A few tears and a pouty lip go a long way Auntie," he replied
"Manipulative little twerp," Rebekah mumbled. A smirk suddenly overtook her features, "I've never been so proud." She threads her arm through her nephews and pulled him close to her side.
"I've only ever learned from the best," they exchanged mischievous smiles for a moment before they both turned back to gaze over the bustling crowd.

The teen itched to dance and to socialize amongst the group but he hesitated in doing so, this time, period was still so strange and unfamiliar, there are still so many things he doesn't quite understand about this new world and it frightens him to some small degree. He has missed out on so much in the last eighty years, suddenly phones are wireless and touchscreen and people speak in some strange code consisting of 'fyeo, yolo, ttyl, btw, TMI, idk' and other strange texts. They stood for a while longer in silence, observing the crowd until their attention was drawn to Esther. Even after all these years of being dead she was still able to capture the attention of an entire room with one simple look. "Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne." Danhy accepted two glasses of champagne, he held one out to his Aunt who took it with a grateful smile. "I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!"
"Cheers!" they all took a sip from their glasses. Danhy was quick to hand off his glass to a passing waiter, he had always hated the taste of champagne, scotch has always been more to his liking. "How long do you have left before Elijah locks you away again?" he glanced at the expensive watch he had wound around his right wrist, a present he had borrowed from Niklaus' room this morning.
"a little under an hour, I should have bargained for three o'clock," he mumbled the last part.
"and we both know he would have cut you off at eleven thirty," she smirked, "Now, I have a human to find. Be a dear and don't call me Auntie for the rest of the evening, it makes me sound old."
"no promises...Auntie,"
"You little-" Rebekah lunged for him but Danhy had already faded back into the crowd.

His eyes wandered over the room, looking for someone to take away his ever-present boredom. Elijah was with the doppelganger and Finn with Esther, Kol and Klaus were still out of sight and had been since the first dance. Perhaps sitting by the banister would have made a more enjoyable evening than wondering around a ballroom filled mostly with humans, who are jacked up on so much vervain that the stench hangs off them in waves. Danhy sauntered up to the bar, he lent forward against the wooden structure in order to get a better look at the girl behind the bar. Her long black hair hung down her back in ringlets and her hazel eyes stood out from her pale complexion. She was dressed like the other servers in a plain white shirt with black trousers and a black vest, she was beautiful, there was no denying that but unfortunately she smelt like the only human not on vervain but she wasn't his type. "What can I get you?" A male voice asked,
"Scotch on the rocks, please mate," the waiter nodded. He poured two fingers into a clean glass and added a few perfectly cut ice cubs to the mix. Danhy nodded his thanks. He took a tentative sip, nearly sighing in contentment at the familiar burn in the back of his throat.

" You shouldn't be drinking that," a familiar thick English accent spoke.
"Was it not you who was the first to get me drunk all those years ago?" Danhy turned to face Kol, the older original had his signature smirk in place as he was nursed his own glass of scotch in his right hand. The elder vampire lent against the bar beside his nephew and used his free hand to smack the younger vampire upside the head, "yes and it was also I who ended up in a coffin for the next fifty years," He spat sarcastically, "So dear nephew, put down the glass."
"I thought you were the fun Uncle,"
"I am the fun Uncle," Kol all but hissed. If it was one thing Danhy knew for sure, it was that it was far too easy to get under his Uncles skin, all it took was to compare him to Elijah, who was better known as the family buzz-kill, a.k.a the responsible one. "But I'm also the Uncle that doesn't want to be daggered for the next half a century because he let his stupid little nephew have another drink." Kol held out his hand, waiting for Danhy to hand over the glass. But Danhy has always been a bit defiant, it was just one of the many traits that had flourished under his families care over the many centuries. "Or perhaps you could turn around and pretend as though you have not seen me all evening," Danhy smirked. Kol pondered this for a moment, he retracted his outstretched hand and instead rubbed his index finger over his bottom lip. "Let me think about that for a moment...No," He used his vampire speed to snatch the glass from his nephew and poured the remainder of the liquid into his own glass. He slammed the glass back down onto the counter and turned back to face Danhy. "Now," Kol chuckled, he threw his free arm over the younger vampires shoulders, "I'm bored and Rebekah refuses to do anything fun, so it seems I'm stuck with you, mate."
"Well for the next thirty minutes at least," Danhy chuckled,
"You're bloody joking."

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