Chapter 2

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     "Well then that should be all, thank you Liz." Mr. Allsbrook said. Liz stood up From the dead man.

      "Yes Master. I will clean everything up, and go back to help serving." She said. Mr. Allsbrook went to open the door.

       "Good, I am quite thankfu-"

"Master watch out!" Liz said, and in the speed of lightening, was in front of Mr. Allsbrook. The door shot open and a bullet came shooting out. 

     Liz got shot in the shoulder and mumbled how people are so pestering to her. Her shoulder was damp and the same blue as her eyes. She saw the man who shot. He had a fearful look in his eyes, while Liz's eyes turned different again. He lifted the gun again and shot, but Liz flicked it back at the man's gun. the gun broke, and the man tried it. He panicked. Liz shoved him into the room and shut the door.

      "What is your business here!" She asked him.

        "I have to assassinate  Mr. Allsbrook! And I am not afraid to kill you to do so!" He said pulling out a knife. Liz chuckled.

       "Do you know who I am?" His face was blank. She arched her eyebrow.

      "Apparently not, but I'll give you a hint..." She said and got close to his ear and whispered something to him. His face went pale. And then in a couple seconds later blood dripped out of his mouth. She moved back with a smile on her face. She coughed.

       "Ugh human blood tastes so gross." She said. Mr. Allsbrook shook his head.

        "Great, well that bullet shot must have caused some commotion. I will go back in and tell everyone that something just fell down." He said.

       "Wait! Mr. Allsbrook! My blood is on your jacket so hold on." Liz said, and walked over to him to inspect the blue substance on his fashionable jacket. She snapped and the blood was gone. She winced and grabbed her shoulder. "The pain just came in, and I need to bandage it up. Any way go and enjoy your party sir." She said  standing up straight.

      "Very well then, see you in a bit Liz, just make sure you are in good condition." He said as he turned and left for real this time. Liz turned to see the two dead men, and sighed.

"Well this should only take about 20 minutes." She said to herself as she got to work.


     She finished up bandaging her shoulder, and walked out of the room. She walked into the ballroom to see everything normal. She walked down to the tray of wine cups, and picked it up to serve. It was a normal ball as ever for her. She put the tray down after every drink was gone. But then Mr. Clark of course found her. "Miss Malster! I was looking for you! Where have you been?" He asked.

      "Away from you that is for sure." She Mumbled.

       "Huh? What was that?" He asked. She looked at him, and did another fake smile, and avoided eye contact.

      "Oh nothing at all. What would you like Mr. Clark?" Liz asked.

      "I would like a dance." He said. She grunted, she couldn't say how much she wanted to kill this man.

     "I am sorry, but I am going to have to decline." She said. He frowned.

     "Oh please miss just one." He said.

     Liz smirked and looked him in the eye now. "Mr. Clark can I ask you something? Oh wait I just did, any how, why do you want to dance with me?" Liz already knew the answer.

        "Well, you are the most beautiful women in Darbington." He said smiling. She nodded.

       "Well maybe you should've said that to your wife instead." Liz said to him, pointing to his wife right behind him, and she heard perfectly what he said. She had to hide her smile. He turned around abruptly to see his wife with her jaw hanging to the ground, with a very hurt look.

        "Honey, I..." Yeah bud you don't have anything to say to that.  She thought. The ends of her mouth twitched, as she tried not to smile.  Mrs. Clark closed her mouth and put on a very noble face and looked at her drink. She looked back up, and said, "How dare you." And splashed her drink in his face. Liz let out a little giggle, and she couldn't stop her self anymore, she burst out in laughter as he went after her, but she stopped as quickly as possible.

     She walked away into the crowd. You are probably wondering, "Hmm well what in the world is wrong with that girl?" but you will see in time. Liz walked to her masters side.

      "That was quite the scene that happened there. What happened?" Mr. Allsbrook asked. Liz hid a smile.

      "Mr. Allsbrook  Do you demand me to tell?" she asked, sort of not wanting to tell or else she might let another laugh out.

       "Yes I do demand you to." He said smiling. She sighed.

       "Well, Mr. Clark kept bugging me to dance with him, so I asked him why he wanted to dance with me. He said that I am the most beautiful girl in Darbington, but what he didn't know was that his wife was right behind him about to ask him to dance with her. I told him and the look he had, oh just the look! Oh my! anyway he turned around to see his wife was really there, and oh she was furious, oh it looked as if steam was coming out of her ears! She was so high and mighty after wards that she splashed her drink in his face! Oh it was priceless!" She laughed. Mr. Allsbrook chuckled,

        "It's what he gets for trying to pick up young girls, also you are the second most beautiful, after my wife." He said.

     Liz frowned knowing that his wife is very sick. "How is she?" Liz asked. He sighed,

       "Not much better." He said frowning.

      "If only I could master healing others." She said. He smiled.

      "Well you can't even completely heal yourself, but if she dies than you are the only person I have left. I want you to be happy, so find your lover." He smiled.

        "Master I do not need a soul mate because I will be spending my whole life helping you, because I owe it to you." She told him looking out into the crowd. 

      "Well to serve me you need to find a soul mate." He said.

      "No one would want to marry something like me, besides I am fine all on my own now." She said reassuringly. She knew for certain that she would never fall in love.

upside down and abstractOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora