I climbed back into my bed and went back to sleep.


It's 11:59 and I'm sitting down at the restaurant and no one's here yet,but I'm always late. Anyway, as I'm sitting I decided to order drinks. A martini would be nice right about now. 

"Hey Toni,"I heard behind my ear. 

"Thanks for finally showing up,"I said.

"Girl bye it's only 30 minutes after 12 hush,"she said like that made a big difference. 

"You're late, where's Halle?" I asked. 

"Right here,''I heard.

"Why ya'll so late today?"I asked. 

"Well I mean usually you always the one late so we thought we'd have time to spare, but you wanted to be on time today soooo,"Nia said,"I blame you."

"Shady much Nia,"Halle said. 

"Very much, I'm glad you caught it,"I agreed.

"Anyway, why are we here?"She asked.

"What I can't just have a girls day with my best friends?"I asked.

"I mean Yea, but this was just all unexpected,"she responded,"And besides it seems that you do have something on your mind T."

"Okay well I do actually,"I admitted.

"Well what is it?"Halle asked.

"Well it's about David,"I said.

"Who the hell is David?"Halle asked,"Boyfriend?"

"No ummm Nia met him but he's a homeless guy I met and invited him into my home,"I said.

"Are you crazy?!"she whispered loudly,"How are you possibly allowing a complete stranger to live in your home, he probably plotting to rob your ass right now!"

"I was thinking that,"Nia agreed.

"He's not like that,"I said.

"How you know?"she asked.

"I just do okay,"I said.

"You crazy,"she said.

"Just leave it alone Halle,"Nia said.

"And why don't you have anything to say about this?"Halle asked.

"It's not my house and if you seen him you wouldn't mind,"she said,"He fine."

"And?"she asked.

"Just hear me out,"I started. 

"What?"Nia said,"Did something happen between you two or something?" 

"Actually yes,"I said. 

"Ya'll fucked?"she asked. 

"Nooo,"I responded quickly. 

"Then what happened?"Halle asked. 

"Well yesterday, I took David shopping for some clothes and we were having a good time right, then when we were done and came back to my place, I decided to cook,"I explained,"He kept going on and on about how he hasn't had a homemade meal in years blah blah blah and how great of a cook I was and we were just basically getting to know each other."

"Okay,"Nia said motioning me to keep going.

"When we were talking and eating, he dropped something on his shirt and I took it upon myself to help wipe it off  then all of a sudden he grabbed my wrist,"I said,"I was nervous because he just grabbed it out the blue, but then our eyes had met." 

"Did you kiss?"Halle asked. 

"No, but after like an hour we were watching a movie ironically British and we started talking about kids and he asked me did I have some and of course I said no because I'm waiting on that special person,"I started,"Let's just say he alluded that I would make a great mother and that any man would be lucky to be with me because I'm obviously attractive."

"I think he likes you,"Nia said stating the obvious. 

"He said he wanted to kiss me but he didn't because he didn't want to ruin our "friendship". He said something like when I wiped the food off of him it meant a lot because for years he had no one to actually care for him the way I was showing him affection I guess,"I said,"Somehow I reminded him of his  ex wife who left him when he couldn't provide or something." 

"Awww,"Nia said. 

"I don't know Toni I still don't trust him,"Halle said. 

"Okay, well earlier this morning around 2 or 3 am he was up crying and praying about something asking for forgiveness,"I added. 

"Forgiveness for what?"she asked,"He probably killed his family for all we know!''

"I'm not jumping to conclusions,"I stated drinking my martini. 

"You better before you end up in a ditch somewhere trying to be nice,"she said,"Your mind should be made up by then."

"Whatever,"I rolled my eyes.

"Do you like him?"Halle asked.

"He's cute and seems like a really great guy, but what am I going to do with him?"I asked,"I mean not to say that I'm better than anyone but I'm in a position in my life where for once I want to be taken care of. I'm ready to build with someone. He can't afford to take me on a date, to travel, none of the extravagant stuff I always wanted to do."

"Yea, you already experienced the bum phase with Keri,"Nia said.

"Look I'm not calling anyone a bum,"I cut in before she went too far.

"Me neither, don't get me wrong, but I just feel like you deserve everything you want,"She said,"It's your life."

"I agree,"Halle jumped in.

"I understand,"I said scratching my neck.

"And besides how would that look if anyone find out about you kicking it with a stranger you found on a corner down the street from a Cato's,"She said making us laugh.

"Bitch don't even do that, I did not,"I laughed.

"Bitch said Cato's,"Nia laughed.

"But you get my point right?"Halle asked.

"Yes,"I said.

"Good, now call for the check so I can go,"she said and I did as she said.

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