Chapter two: Twice upon a time

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Ayano clicked her tongue. How long had she been waiting for her soon to be husband? Her dull eyes searched the room. "Advisor Saki," she called for her staff. The cyan haired girl ran into the room. "Yes Princess Aishi?" The royal sighed. "For the seventeenth time, where is my prince?" "He's coming right away my princess! He should be at the door now." As Saki scurried out Ayano sighed.

How long had Ayano felt this way? As far as she knew it had been forever. Nothing was exciting enough to spur fits of joy, nothing was dreadful enough to spark any negative emotion. It was borring to say the least. Where her heart should be she guessed someone had replaced it with a dull stone instead. Her mother said it was normal, at least for her side of the family. It didn't make the dullness of life any more fun though.

She remembered her father preparing her for marriage. "Honey you won't notice the difference. You haven't felt anything before, this won't change a thing. We promise you'll marry a nice prince and live long and happy-" He bit his tongue realizing the lie of the last part. Her mother had different words of encouragement. "Sweetie don't you worry. Like you're father said it won't change much. However," she looked her daughter straight in the eye. "If you find anyone else who you'd want to marry, tell us. I know what it's like at your age and your parents want you to enjoy your life. So if you find someone, we'll do everything in our power to make them yours."

She heard a creak in the door and turned her head. "Introducing Prince Yamada and Ms Najimi!" Ayano covered her ears and shut her eyes. "Shut it Saki! I'm thinking." she could sense the girl pout before pushing the young boy in front. "Sorry, she's always like this."

After a minute she opened her eyes. She quietly observed the prince and his companion. A faint blush crept to her cheeks. "Uh h-hi." she nervously glanced down. "S-so uh.." she trailed off looking around. What was she supposed to say? God what was this? Her chest felt tight, she felt a tad lightheaded, her breathing was speeding up and she felt like she was burning. She stared directly at this person, their beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, nice body. She rapidly shook her head, desperately trying to rid herself of those unclean thoughts. "Excuse me," she managed to mumble, breaking her stare from the foreigner for just a second.

Saki immediately rushed to her side. "Sorry sir we'll be right back, the princess just needs a moment!" She pushed the girl into the halls out of sight.

"What happened? You've never stuttered before, you've never looked that nervous-" she stopped midsentence before a large grin appeared on her face. She squealed. "You're in love!" Ayano went crimson. "N-not true!" "We need to tell your parents! When they find out you're in love with him, oh boy they'll be ecstatic!" Ayano bit her lip. "I-I'm not in love with him!" "Ha you're a terrible liar." Saki sighed and glanced around. "But you do realise you will have to talk to the guests right? Can you manage?" Ayano nodded wearily. "Great! Let's head on back." Saki pulled the girl back inside the throne room.

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