Chapter 1

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A year later

ALYA: I can't believe it's been an entire year since we became The Shadows, girls. We've helped so many people and we made the news a lot, too.

ROSE: (Rose looks out into the horizon) I know. It's been quite the adventure for us.

ALIX: So, where to next?

MARINETTE: (Marinette swings onto deck) Next, we're off to Borealis. Our Intel has been telling us that some of the nobles & counts there have been unlawfully taxing the citizens to better themselves. Intel also said that there's been a lot of kidnapping & criminal activity there. I think it's time The Shadows did something about.

JULEKA: Couldn't agree more, captain.

MARINETTE: All right, it's settled then. Alya and Rose, set the ship to set course for Borealis.

ALYA & ROSE: Aye, aye, Captain!

Marinette climbs up to steer the ship and looks out at the horizon.

"New adventure awaits us," Marinette thought to herself as she smiled.

Once The Shadows made it to Borealis, they found a hidden cave big enough to hide their ship and set up base camp. Once they were all set up, they decided to work on helping the citizens of Borealis the next day after getting some rest.

The next day, Marinette and her comrades went undercover to explore Borealis. They saw all kinds of stores and things they never saw before.

ROSE: Wow, this place is so amazing!

JULEKA: I know, right? Hey, Captain, you thinking what I'm thinking? (Juleka gives a sneaky smile)

MARINETTE: You mean, putting on a little show for the people and make some cash? Sure thing. Alya and Alix, you guys up for some fun with the locals? (snickers)

ALIX: I was actually hoping to put on a show.

ALYA: Let's go then.

As soon as they found a place to perform, the girls put on their gypsy costumes and began to perform. They did magic acts and played instruments they brought with them. The villagers were astonished by the performances and performers. They were especially astonished by the gypsy wearing red.

VILLAGER 1: I've heard about these performers. They travel all around, performing for people and sometimes even nobles. Nobody know who they are or where they come from.

VILLAGER 2: From what I heard, the gypsy wearing red is called Belle.

NATHANIEL: I see why. I've never seen such beauty.

As soon as the girls finished their performance, people began to throw money to them as gratitude. After collecting their reward, the girls bowed and then used their magic to just...disappear.

KIM: Did you guys see that?!? They just...disappeared!

MAX: I know. It's rather quite incredible.

IVAN: I wonder how they do it.

After their little disappearing act, The Shadows went to find food and supplies, and then headed back to their cave.

At Borealis castle

PRINCE ADRIEN: What was with all the commotion down in the village?

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