Blue Eyed Beauty chapter 2

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“Okay?” “Yea.” This conversation was way too weird. Why am I still talking to him? Hell, I don’t even know him. I slowly got up. “You’re not going already are you?” “I’m going for a walk.” “May I walk with you?” “Sure. I don’t care.” Did I seriously just say that? I must be going insane.

Garrett’s pov

She said yes. Well, kind of. It was more like I could care less if you walked with me. But at least I can walk with her. “Are you coming or not? I don’t have all day.” “Coming!” I sprinted up to where she was walking and slowed my pace down to hers. “Have you always lived here?” “Yep, my whole life.” “How old are you?” “17.” “Sweet, so am I.” “That’s cool.” I think she was using sarcasm with me.

Well, whatever it was it was cute. Maybe I should try to casually flirt with her. But, that could backfire and she totally shoots me down, like she kind of is right now. Oh what do I do now?

Kailey’s pov

I looked over at Garrett. He looked like he was lost in thought. Oh why did I ever agree for him to come walk with me? I wonder how he found me. I mean these woods are secluded from town. Wait, I don’t even live in town. He must be a country boy or something. He sure is good looking. Crap, stop thinking like this Kailey! You know it would be too difficult to go out with him. Mrs. Edith would never let me date anyone anyways. I’m like her least favorite child, since who would want to adopt a 17 year old girl. No one! That’s why I’m gonna be stuck with her till I’m 18. The tough part about that is finding a job that will hire an 18 year old without graduating from high school, which is pretty much, everyone. I mean I wouldn’t hire me either. I’ve never worked in my life, oh wait, scratch that I’ve worked. I’ve worked on a farm for one whole summer when I was 15. It was hard work but you get it done right and no one yells at you.

Garrett’s pov

“Hey, you should come back to my place and eat lunch with me.” She shrugged. “Sure why not. Where do you live?” “Follow me.” I walked back the opposite direction we were already going and headed to my dad’s ranch. We finally stumbled out of the woods, without even saying a word to each other. “You live here?” “Yea. Why, is it a problem?” “No.” “Garrett! Where in god’s name are you?” “Over here dad.” “I thought I told you to get your chores done.” “I was out on a walk.” “I don’t care. Get them done.” “Alright. Kailey you can go keep my mom company inside if you want to.” “Are you kidding me? What do you take me for? A girl who can’t even work? I don’t think so. Now let’s go get these chores done.” My mouth hung open. “Young lady have you ever even worked on a ranch before?” “Yes sir. The summer I turned 15 I worked every day from sun up to sun down on the farm. It wasn’t easy but hey I had fun.” My dad laughed. “You young lady I like.”

Kailey’s pov

I smiled. “Thank you sir.” “You’ve got quite the manners for a?” “I’m 17 sir.” “Alrighty then, I’ll just leave you two to work. And I only mean to work.” “Oh no sir I just met him like not even 15 minutes ago.” He nodded at me and walked back into the second barn. I looked over at Garrett. “What do we do first?” “Well, we need to bring in the horses. Do you know how to saddle a horse?” “Yes I do.” “Alright. You can ride Beauty. I’m gonna go get my horse Daisy. Beauty should be the first stall on the right and her saddle should be hanging on the gate ready to go.” “Okay.” I walked into the barn and looked for Beauty. Her name was written on her door, so it wasn’t like complete brain science to try and find her. I saddled her up and walked her out to find Garrett on Daisy with a pair of jeans and boots for me. “You can change in Beauty’s stall. I’ll hold her for you.” I took the jeans and boots and quickly changed and rushed back out, leaving my other pants and shoes on the side of Beauty’s stall. I climbed up on Beauty and followed Garrett out into the pasture and up into the giant hills behind his house.  “Your different then most girls I know. Most girls are too scared to get a little muddy or to get up on a horse, let alone know how to saddle them right.” “When I was younger my family had a farm and my dad taught me how to ride, saddle and stuff.” “Where do you live? Maybe I’ve been to your farm.” “I don’t live with my family anymore. And the farm it’s still here, my horses went wild.” “What do you mean you don’t live with your family anymore?” “They died. I’m an orphan.”

“That’s terrible! How old were you?” “I was 7.” “Wow that must have been a devastation for you.”  “It was. I still have nightmares.” “So, what happened to your horses?” “I set them free. But, I left a brand on them with my dad’s initials.” “Well, we’ve had a couple mares and one stud join our herd, think they might be yours?”

“Not sure. Did they have a brand on them?” “Yeah I think so.”

“Well? What did the brand look like?” “Don’t know. Didn’t get a good enough look at them before they took off running farther out into the pasture.” This is gonna be a long day. Well whatever maybe they are my horses. If they are, do you think they would remember me? I mean it has been a few years since I’ve seen them.

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