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-Zoe's Point Of View-

I looked through tumblr and started searching 'typical white girl' just to see what would pop up... If it was any of my pictures... Of course. I looked until I saw a really attractive icon... And I mean... REALLY attractive. I decided to click on the profile and talk to the person. We exchanged snapchats and talked for about four months.. That was until he asked me to visit him in London. He offered to pay but I refused. It was a two- way thing. He wasn't the only one who wanted to meet up. I was dying to.

I stared down at my suitcase. What if he didn't like the me in real life?... Of course I was still the girl who took pictures and slapped a filter on them... But I knew my personality was a lot different. I was more plain in real life then tumblr made me seem. I shook off all the thoughts as I got to the airport.

-Time skip-

After what seemed like an hour my plane was ready to board. I hurried to the gate and gave the lady my ticket then rushed to board the plane so I could get to my seat in time. I think I was more excited than nervous. But I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about the 'what ifs'. I guess I could think of it this way.... If he doesn't like me.. I'm still in London and there's plenty of other people in London I'd love to meet.

A/N: Well then. There's the first chapter of my original story... Wait... Isn't this my first original story?.... Well.... Fuck am I an inconsistent POS. Sorry, white girl weirdo needs a PSL... Sorry ladies. This girl gets those early ;3. Also, man are those amazing. Thank you so much for reading my first chapter! I love you all so much! Hope you have a spice day! Byeeee! ~Zoe

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