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It was a bright Saturday morning. I was sitting outside my house. I felt the breeze crashing into my face as I closed my eyes to enjoy this moment. I haven't been able to enjoy moments like these because I'm always to busy trying to remember. People around me always feel sad and they always ask me questions. I'm getting so irritated by all of it.......that's why I appreciate moments like these.

I could hear a car coming closer and closer so I opened my eyes to see Lucas parking in the driveway.

And if you're wondering, yes, I did remember some names but that's it, I haven't been able to remember certain events.

Lucas quickly gets out of his car and rushes to me with open arms, I gave him a warm hug. It sent electricity through my body, I don't know why since I barely know the guy.

Lucas: Hey Riley! I've missed you!

Riley: I've missed you too! Why'd you come here?

Lucas: I need to ask you some questions.

I nodded back and fourth. There was no way I was answering more questions!

Lucas: Come on Riley! We are trying to help you!

Blood boiled inside of me. I don't know why that sentence made me so mad.

Riley: YOU are trying to help ME?! If you were actually trying to help me, then stop asking me questions! Don't you see that I don't know!

Then all of a sudden, I see Maya get out of Lucas' car. I didn't even notice she was in there.

Maya: Riley, calm down! We need to know what you know!


There was a huge silence between all of us. I just stood there shaking my head, trying to hold in my tears that were ready to let loose.

Maya: It's cause we want you to remember us, like REALLY REMEMBER, not just our names but the relationships you had with us.

A tear slipped out and went down my red cheek.

Riley: And me?

Lucas: What do you mean?

Riley: You guys are so selfish!

Maya: How? We just want out best friend to remember US!

Riley: EXACTLY! You want your best friend to remember you guys! But I'm not your best friend! I-I still don't know who I AM! How can I remember you guys are if I still don't know myself!

Lucas and Maya both stood there speechless, with no emotion on their faces. Maya, not looking directly at me, but at the floor still managed to find something to say.

Maya: But we need answers.



I was taken back by his screaming, I was...........scared.

Lucas tried to come closer to me but I pushed myself away.

Lucas: Riles, I'm sorr-

Riley: Now I know the real you and honestly, I'm glad I forgot about both of you and I'm praying that I don't remember you either.

With that I went inside my house but before I closed the door I could see Lucas and Maya hurt. I closed the door. I guess I'm just not the same old Riley that I used to be.

YASSSSS! Chapter 2!!! YAS comment what you thought about this chapter!!! Love you guys!!!

Also I've been reading some AMAZING books by DreadfullyAmazing and omg I wish I can write like that! So go read her book, cause I promise you they are amazing, and follow her!!!!!!

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