Corner-less World

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Corner-less World

On June 30

© Ayman, All rights reserved

The poor red eyed creature

sits there, weak

The water drops

Cold and musical

Sounding wicked.

That little green umbrella is

all the shelter he gets

No house, no wall

Just a roof up ahead.

But to God,

he does not question

of unfair treatment he gets.

Life is a test,

which he must pass,

And prove his worth

to the world

that surrounds.

No being is big or small.

This world is corner-less.

Water tinkling tick tick tick,

shouting of Gods' bare existence.

The frog looks up cherishing,

the sky above; clouded

and the rain pouring softly,

sweat lullabies

of water


with all green and brown.

With little moments of wickedness,

this life brings treasures,

your key is to cherish

what this life has cast

upon the path

you tread,

for nothing in life that comes

is either good or bad.

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