Coming home.

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It's been a few days, I think. Mark has been coming in kissing me, then hurting me then leaving. I look around the dark room and start to cry.

The doors open and I curl into a ball against the wall. "please" I sob quietly into my bloody hands.

"Sssshhh" Mark soothes stroking my hair. "it's okay. Look at me."

I turn my head and look up at him. "please" I whisper "let me out. I know my family is looking for me."

"I told them you went to go see a friend." He strokes my hair some more twirling it through his fingers. "here's your water and your food is over there. I'll be back later for you" he kisses my lips and stands up walking out. The doors shut and darkness floods the room. Struggling to get the bottle to my dry lips, I almost drop the bottle but catch it before it all spills out. 

I reach for my phone and look at the battery amount. 5 percent. Thank God.

I jump to mom's contact and call her quickly.

"Honey! How's your friend?" she chirps.

"Mom! Thank God!" I sob into the phone and try to continue. Right when she's about to reply the line goes dead. "SHIT!" I scream hurting my throat. My eyes become weak and I start to drift to sleep.


I open my eyes slowly and see the door is opening. A man's shadow appears on the floor and my heart starts to race faster and faster.

"No! No please! Mark! Please no more hitting!" I scream as the body gets closer

"Liz, Liz!" The voice says. That's not Mark. "It's me." The man whispers. Fear sticks to my face and I can't move.

"Mark stop!" I scream as the man touches my legs and waist trying to calm me down.

"I'm not Mark!" I start to recognize the voice and a sigh in relief.

"Oh my God! Luke!" I squeal wrapping my arms around his neck and sobbing into his shoulder.

Luke's POV

I shuffle into the middle barn to see it completely dark. A soft whimper comes from the back of the room and I walk back to see Liz curled up in a ball.

"No! No please! Mark! No more hitting! Please!" She screams scooting back from me.

I run to her and she curls up tighter still scared as hell.  I finally get her calmed down and she wraps her arms around my neck and cries into my shoulder. I pick her up and she feels like she's lost 10 pounds. I carry her out of the barn and she pulls closer to me.

"Liz. I'm going to murder Mark." I growl as I carry her to the house. Her tears soak my shirt as she cries louder. After a few seconds her cries stop and she's not holding me as tight.  Ian runs up to me and stops.

"what the fuck happened ?" he demands taking her from me. I glare at him hand her over.

"I don't know. I just found her. I'll go get her mom." He nods as I run into the house and find Carrie sitting there at the bar with Sav and Rose and some other girl with long black hair and burning green eyes.

"what's wrong Luke?" Carrie asks.

"Liz. She's hurt!" I exclaim.

"what!?" she runs out the door to Ian who has Liz on the ground. Her stomach is sucked in and shows her ribs completely. "Ian go call 911!" Carrie yells. Steve runs out and crouches down next to Liz. Ian runs to go call 911 as I mentally panic.

What if she's not okay.


HELLOOO! I didn't want to keep her in there too long! or else she would have died or gotten sick. I know what you're thinking. Mark really didn't do much to far as you know. Mwahahaha!

Comment what you think her parents will do when they find out it was Mark.

1) not believe her and think she did it for attention

2) They will blame Luke and not let her see him anymore.

3) they will get rid of Mark and let her be happy with Luke.

4) get rid of Mark and send her to school and still not let her date Luke.

Country Man. (Luke Bryan love story) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now