Stacy nodded. “I really did think he would be best for you at that time despite my other opinions,” I glared at her searching her face.

“I know it’s okay,” I could see the sincerity and I couldn’t be mad at her for just trying. Not after how wonderful Evan was and helpful.

I could have laid against his chest for eternity he felt so comfortable, like I belonged there, I shuddered. The Halloween party is coming up. A week had gone by since the vet and Evan was never far away in my thoughts.

Something changed between us during that night. Neither of us mentioned it though when we spoke in therapy. I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn’t the proper medium for that anyway. I could sense that he felt it too though.

What bothered me was I couldn’t figure out if he was pulling away or getting closer. Nothing had changed in the way we acted around each other in any direction. One thing for sure I knew there was something on his mind and it wasn’t my place to ask, but I wished I could help.

“So you have a crush on the psychologist what’s that like?”

I groaned at Kenneth’s return.

“How does that make you feel?”

“Don’t start Ken,” I snapped.

“Quick to anger why do you have that reaction?” He pretended to analyze me as if he were a therapist himself.

“Thanks,” I said sarcastically to Stacy, she shrugged smiling.

“Redirecting hostilities…interesting.”

“Shut up,” both Stacy and I yelled giggling.


I grimaced looking at the caller ID as my phone rang. I did not want to speak to Eddie, at least as little as possible.

“Hello Eddie,” I said as I ate my morning breakfast.

“Hello how is your Sunday morning?”

“Swell, what do you want?”

Not only was I grumpy and a tad hung over from the beers at Stacy’s last night, I didn’t want to talk to him this early. We ended up staying up playing board games and drinking beer as Kenneth continued to razz me about Evan.

“I was calling to let you know about Halloween costumes. I’ve come up with a few ideas and wanted to run them by you,”

“Okay,” I settled in my bar seat this could take some time.

“What do you think of Sonny and Cher?”

Nope. “No way, too old, though my hair matches.”

“Okay, what about Star Wars Han Solo and Leia?”

Seriously? What does he think we are a couple? There was no way in hell I would be walking around in my office amongst clients and fellow employees in that slave outfit for him. I am pretty sure that’s exactly what he had in mind for my part of the costume to be.

“Not my style,” I liked, I loved Star Wars, but no.

“Hmm okay, I kind of liked that idea,” I bet. “Bonnie and Clyde?”

I rolled my eyes not even responding to that one though it was better than the others so far.

“I take that as a no. Last idea now, Marilyn Monroe and JFK?” I could almost hear his cringe.

That idea appealed to me. They weren’t technically a couple though they had an affair allegedly. It wasn’t something that would scream Eddie and me together. Also while she was sexy and had worn some naughty outfits for the most part she was classy.

On The Couch [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now