Chapter 15

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"Alright, let's see what kind of Pokemon Jet runs into this time..."

"Hey, it seems I am some kind of feral Pokemon magnet!"

"I mean, isn't that obvious by now...?"

"... Let's continue on, shall we?"

"Alright, we're coming!

"So... I guess these Pokemon are going to be stronger than before... Good thing I trained!"

"Jet, don't get so hopeful."

"*bump* ...hello there... Help...?"

"My. Arceus. Jet. Can you stop with the attracting feral Pokemon ability?"

"I can't help it! Apparently they like going after Shinx more than Riolu or Grovyle!"

*said in unison* "We have sense of direction."

"... That has something to do with it?"

"Yes. Yes it does."

"*sigh* Onwards."

"Lemme just jump over this twig- Daww why!"

"There was a twig right in front of that one..."

"Yes... I see that now."

"Keep going."

"Ahem, anyways I'm coming- Oh my Arceus something is chasing me and it's not friendly!"

"JET. Force Palm."

"Wait, it was a Water-Type?"

"Yes. We know because it fell right after Grovyle pulled a Leaf a Blade on it."

"Yep. Onwards."


Rose stumbled out of the bushes, and looked around. She sighed, all that trouble with Jet seeming to attract wild Pokemon everywhere they went, it was a tiny bit strange, and a little annoying. Rose turned as the others came out from the bushes. When Rose saw a passage in front of them, she sighed with relief. This led to the Hidden Highlands. And then after that... The bridge.

Jet skidded beside her, sending up a cloud of dust. Rose coughed, "Jet!"

"Sorry," Jet walked in front, and examined the passageway in front of them. Rose backed up, and realized how close they were. How close they were to Temporal Tower. How close they were to Primal Dialga. It was so close... Yet so far away.

She was ready to go to Hidden Highlands. Hopefully Jet wouldn't cause as much trouble...


"Alright... Keep going, we're almost there."

"Alright, I'm deter- Gah!"

"And I take back what I thought about Jet not going to attract as many Pokemon as before."

"Don't worry partner, we haven't been attacked yet."

"Yep. Just Jet."

"Ugh. Why me. Why not you."

"I'm a Riolu."

"Do I have to say?"

"Nope, Grovyle. It goes without saying for you."

"Alright, continuing on..."


Surprisingly, Jet ended up not attracting as many Pokemon as Rose felt. They were getting closer. Closer to the bridge that would lead to Temporal Tower. Rose walked out to see a ruin. She crept forward to inspect, and then heard Grovyle skid beside her. Jet then realized something.

"There a piece missing from the stone that would take us to Temporal Tower," Grovyle noted.

"What now?" Rose asked.

"Well, if I examine the symbols a little closely..." Jet crouched, and surveyed the stone below him.

"Maybe we should let you do that," Rose said. Jet nodded, then said suddenly, "My Relic Fragment!"

"Your Relic Fragment?"

"It matches the symbols!" Jet pulled out his prized possession, and glanced at the stone in awe, then back at the bridge.

"You had the key all along!" Rose breathed.

"I'm useful for once!" Jet cheered.

"Jet, try to fit in the key, we're going to see what else we can find," Grovyle said. Rose nodded. The two walked away to the right of the bridge. Jet went to work.

Rose then saw a slight clearing, and she felt something strange. It was so... She then realized something was up. Of course, she should have realized it before a Dimensional Hole opened up in front of her. And... Dusknoir came out.

"Hello there, Rose," Dusknoir said. Rose looked around her frantically. Grovyle was nowhere in sight. She started to sweat. "D-Dusknoir!" She yelped.

"Now, I guess I forgot to tell you something important. If you three put in the Time Gears at the top of Temporal Tower after beating Dialga, all future Pokemon will disappear. Yes, that means me, but that also means Grovyle, and you."

Rose's eyes widened, and her heart quickened. I'm going to disappear? But what of Jet? And Vine? What will they do without me? This is bad, very bad, I don't know whether I should tell Jet or not. Or... Does Grovyle know about this? Where even is Grovyle?

Rose looked around again. Dusknoir probably noticed that Grovyle wasn't there. "Well, Rose, I'm going to finish what I started, then. I will end you off myself!"

"N-No!" Rose squeaked. She knew it was coming. As Dusknoir was coming closer, she backed against the wall, her life flashing before her eyes. Jet needs to come and rescue her, now! Or Grovyle! Grovyle needed to see what Dusknoir was about to do! Why wasn't Jet there! He should've seen Dusknoir by now! Was he too focused on getting the Relic Fragment in its place to realize what was going on around him?

Rose squeezed her eyes shut. She sat down and curled herself into a ball. Dusknoir started to chuckle menacingly. Rose looked up at him, and knew she was going to have to go down fighting, but then again... What moves did Dusknoir have? And he was a Ghost-Type, he could evade almost anything... Almost. Rose then saw a flash of green, and ducked.

Rose had her eyes shut, and she opened them, and what she saw made her scramble to her feet.


Grovyle had ahold of Dusknoir, but... They were dangerously near the Dimensional Hole... Wait...

"Grovyle! What are you doing?!" Rose shouted, but she knew exactly what he was doing.

He was sending Dusknoir back to the Future.

And he was trapping himself in there too.

A/N C-Cue S-Sea of T-Time, guys... *sniff* *sniff* yep, there's going to be an ocean in my room after the next one is posted... *sniff* *sniff* See you later!

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