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They walked over the bridge that went over the river.

As they walked the dude from earlier was back. This time he had friends. He was in front of them and some of his friends were in the back. "Well well well..." He said

"Oh hey....." Matthew said in an unassuming matter. "Did it clean out?"

The guy just rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Where you guys heading?" He said as he smirked as he looked at Roxana. Roxana felt uncomfortable so she scooted a little closer to Matt.

"Isn't it obvious? Back to the school." Matt said

"Well you can go to school but she stays" the guy said as he pointed his wand at Roxana.

"Well that doesn't make much sense. We were heading back at the same time, so why would she stay?" Matthew said

"Oh just reasons that you don't have to know " the guy said

Then the guy gave a signal to one of his friends that were behind them, in which he and the friend got his wand out and made Roxanns skirt flip up. Roxana tried to push it down but couldn't. Then one of the other guys took out a camera and started to take pictures. 

Out of nowhere Matthew whipped out his wand and pointed it at the guy who started to take the pictures. "Diffindo." He said calmly. The guy's pants burst at the seams undoing his pants. He then, with great speed in hand pointed at each person in turn as he chanted a word only once. "Finite Incantatum." Which stopped their spells.

The guys stopped and tried to hex Matt but they couldn't due to the spell. The main guy tried to keep his pants on. He then pointed his wand at Matthew. Roxana ran to a bush and hid in there.

The guy growled "Confringo!" He said as he sent a fireball at Matt

As he finally broke the spell Matt put on him

Matthew didn't move an inch as he cast his next spell, aiming at their leader. "Stupidly."

The guy gets knocked out and is on the ground out cold. The other guys stood there silently and then grabbed their leader and ran away.

Matthew was on fire, the tips of his uniform at least, the rest of him was singed and his face ashy.

Roxana came out from hiding and went up to him and took out the little flame on the tips of the uniform. She then looked up at him. " are you ok? " she asked worried

"Fine." He said, his face still a bit black from scattered soot. "You?"

Roxana got out a cloth and started to wipe his face clean

"Pff, hey!" He said scrunching up his face and scooting away.

" oh I'm sorry." She said scooting away also

He wiped his face with the tip of his robe. "Ah, I do have quite a bit of soot on my face...." He suddenly sat down against a tree.

Roxana only nodded "yea." She said

"That was tiring." He sighed.

"I'm sorry" she apologized again.

He shrugged closing his eyes. He was quite for a bit. "Does this mean that you owe me again?" He said opening one eye and looking up at her, his black hair shadowing his face a bit.

She tilted her head she then sighed. "I guess..." She said

He smiled, the camera had been forgotten on the ground. "You may want to get rid of that."

She saw it and rolled her eyes. She then pulled out her wand and destroyed the camera nothing was left of it. She the. Turned back at him. "So what do I owe you..." She said

"How about another drink sometime?"

" ok you sure? She asked

"Yeah, why not? You can choose if you really want" he chuckled, standing

"Ok" Roxana said as she nodded

"Well let's finish heading back then" Matt said

Roxana nodded and followed him back

When they entered the main hall they saw that Scorpius was there waiting for his sister.

Scorpius was still with Xyler. Scorpius drawing on a peice of paper. He didn't notice his sister and Matt

"Well I'm going to head back to my dorm, it's getting late and we have to prepare for tomorrow right?" Matthew asked

"We have to be back here for the ceremony for the first years Tonight " Roxana said

"Well yeah, but tomorrow there is a pop quiz in potions remember?" He said

"Yea I know but we have to be there it's mandatory" she said "I really don't want to go too but" she said

"Hey, it's fun to watch people get excited."

"Yea it is but when you are tired well.... It's different." She said "but yea I'm still going through "

"Yeah, same if you don't see me I'm probably asleep in my bed. For an energy conserved like me this day was too exciting. But then again being in school again is always exciting..." He shrugged. "I'll maybe see you later."

She nodded "ok bye" she said

He nodded and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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