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Hey everyone!
I just want to apologize in advance for my horrible writing skills and terrible grammer.
This is my first fanfiction ever and I wanted to dedicate it to my favorite ship of all time. GRUVIA!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!


The past week has been hell

Well actually no, because 'hell' would mean hot and burning.

It was cold and icy in Magnolia. Winter has just made a appearance last week and snow was already cluttering the streets.

As expected, everyone was trying to find any source of warmth or heat.
Which wasn't a problem for the Fairy Tail guild members.

"MOVE OVER!" Lucy Heartfilia yelled at the blue Exceed as she attempted to find a comfortable spot next to the dragon slayer.

"HEY! I was here first!" Happy shot back from the top of his master's pink head.

"I don't understand why all of you are crowding around me like this." Natsu Dragneel commented, almost everyone in the guild was cuddling with him.

"Shh. Your so warm." Lucy purred against his arm.

"Uhhh..." Natsu stood dumbfounded. He was really uncomfortable right now, every move he'd make would only result in getting yelled at by the entire guild.

The reason why he hasn't pushed everyone off was because he enjoyed getting more attention then his lonely rival sitting across the guild hall.


"SHUT UP FLAMEBRAIN!" Gray Fullbuster yelled back. Even though he was feeling quite alone, he shrugged it off. It was only natural that everyone wanted to be with a fire dragon slayer and not an ice wizard.

Except for one person.

The doors opened wide, letting the cold breeze fill the room once again.

"AGH! CLOSE THE DOOR!" Wendy Marvel whimpered while snuggling close to Natsu.

"Eh? Oh, sorry!" The water mage apologized and pushed the door shut as quickly as she could.

"Thanks Juvia." Erza Scarlet thanked her.

"No problem Erza-san." Juvia Lockser smiled brightly at the re-quip mage, then scanned the guild hall. Her head turned multiple times between the huge amount of wizards sitting on the right side of the guild to the other side which was occupied by one person. Her beloved Gray-sama.

Levy McGarden noticed Juvia's head turn from right to left numerous times, then decided to call her over. "Juvia! You can come sit beside me!" Levy shouted from under Gajeel's masculine arm.

"Oh no thanks Levy-san! Juvia will sit over there with Gray-sama." Juvia said, and while ignoring the weird faces she was recieving from the other members, she walked to her beloved.

"Why would Juvia want to be with Gray now? Won't she be cold?" Levy muttered.

"If the women wants to spend her time on the stripper leave her be. More room for me, gihee!" Gajeel grinned.

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