Attempting to Take Flight

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"H-Hiding? Me?" I could feel my body shivering slightly. "Why would I hide anything? The school nurse just...she was just a bit worried, that's all."

My mom obviously didn't believe me. I could see it in her eyes.

"I think we should get Hinata indoors. He's shivering quite violently," Sugawara said in a concerned voice.

He's right. I am shivering pretty badly...

"If it is the flu, I think blankets would also be a good idea."

Does Sugawara actually think I have a flu or is he just going along with it? I was so tired that it was hard to tell.

Sugawara carried me inside and gentle lied me down on the sofa. My mom put a warm flannel on my head and covered me with a blanket.

Turning to Sugawara she said, "Thank you for bringing Shouyou here. I'm very grateful." Then she leant in closer, perhaps trying to say something to Sugawara quietly in hopes I was so out of it I wouldn't hear.

"May I speak to you privately for a second?"
Sugawara nodded and they both wandered into the kitchen. I tried to listen to what they were saying but I found it incredibly exhausting, so I just tried to relax.


"Hinata? Are you awake?" My eyes slowly opened only to see a blurry figure looking down at me.

"Yeah, I am...who is this?"

"It's your father."

"Oh." I couldn't really tell what was happening, but I noticed I was not on the sofa anymore. "Um...where am I? Am I in my bed?"

"We're in the hospital."

"Hospital? Why?"

"Your mother called the number on that slip of paper you had. Doctor Takahashi decided it would be best to give you a check up and start treatment immediately."

"Huh." I was stilled half dazed so I wasn't exactly sure what to say.

Doctor Takahashi gave a run through of what she was going to do. I just nodded, not really paying attention until she took a blood sample from me. After the needle was out and she left the room, I closed my eyes again.

It wasn't long before my attempts to sleep were interrupted by the doctor.

"Okay. I ran a blood test and your son does have leukaemia." My parents slouched in their seats. "I recommend we start treatment now. Hopefully you got here in time to reverse the effects."

The doctor left the room. My parents looked at me with a face of sorrow and pity. I had zoned out and wasn't really thinking straight, so I didn't catch what the doctor has said.

"What did the doctor say?"

My parents were silent. I knew I had hit a nerve at that point, that my parents' hearts had probably dropped.

My father began to speak. "She told us that she was going to help you get better."

"Better? Better from what?"

"From your...your leukaemia." My father struggled getting the words out.

"I see." My eyes were still heavy and it took me a second to process everything. Sure, I already knew about it but now it was confirmed by a professional.

The nurse came back in and hooked something up. She began speaking. "This is something to help your body fight off your illness."

Is she talking to me?

"Thank you." I felt my eyes drifting again. "Can I go to sleep please?"

It was hard to tell, but the nurse was smiling. "Of course. You just relax."

And with that I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning, looking around.

Oh right. I'm in the hospital, aren't I? So I wasn't dreaming.

By my bed stood my parents along with some of the members of the volleyball.

Then I saw him.

Kageyama stared down at me with the same aggression he had when I hit his head with a volleyball.

"G-Good morning, everyone!" It felt so weird. Did they see me sleeping? The thought was a bit off putting.

"Oi Hinata. When were you gonna tell us you were ill? Don't tell me you were hiding it from us because you felt guilty!"

I looked at my parents. It didn't appear that they had told the team what was wrong.
And Kageyama was too stupid to figure it out.

"It wasn't that I was trying to hide it. I didn't know I was ill to begin with!"

"Well now you know what's wrong, care to tell us?" Kageyama had a stern look on his face.

My heart dropped. I couldn't possibly tell them I had...cancer.

"I's nothing too important!"

My smile was fake.

"I'll be better soon anyway!"

I didn't believe myself.

"I'll be playing volleyball with you guys soon, don't worry!"

I was lying. I knew I was lying. But was I lying to them or myself?

My parents looked at me concerned. They seemed to realise I didn't really believe what I was saying but they didn't want to stop me.

Kageyama sighed. "As long as your sure. I suppose I can't beat it out of you." He turned to sit down on one of the guest chairs. I was a little shocked at this, but Nishinoya and Tanaka stepped forward to see me.

"Hey buddy, how are ya doing?" Nishinoya smiled trying to cheer me up. I think the team could tell I wasn't feeling great, physically or emotionally.

"I'm fine. I just feel a bit...tired. That's all."
Sugawara looked at the floor. Perhaps my mom had told him?

"Hey Hinata, your nose!" Nishinoya said, waving his arms about in a frenzy.
I put my hand under my nose, then pulled it to my face.

A nosebleed?

My mom walked over to me with a tissue, smiling and trying to keep me calm. "Don't worry, the doctor said it's normal to get a nosebleed."

Kageyama looked at me sternly. Maybe he knew deep down I wasn't fine, that this wasn't just 'an illness'. Perhaps his behaviour up until now was an indication of that, the harsh tone, the constant grunting, his walking over to the other side of the room, watching me closely.

But regardless, he remained silent.

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