Chapter 6 The Hospital

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Matt's POV

Right now i'm sitting in the waiting room of a hospital, losing my mind. We have been here for no more then fifteen minutes, but it feels like forever. The guys are all around me trying to get nurses to tell them anything about Ash, but they won't. I can't help but think about tonights events.

"Do you see her?" I yell to the rest of the guys, we were trying to find Ash.

That's when George stops and gets tense as he looks over at something, he shortly followed by Danny, Joral, Daniel, and Jordan. I wonder what they are looking at so I turn my head and I wish I hadn't.

Ash was making out with a guy. I felt jealousy in my veins. I was about to storm over there and yell at her, when I notice she is trying to pull away. I see as she almost does but the guy slams her back against the wall. I'm pretty sure if the music wasn't so loud you would of heard her head hit the brick wall.

That's when I find myself pulling the guy off Ash. I didn't notice as Ash fell to the ground and apparently hit her head again. The next thing I knew i was being thrown out of the club along with Joral, Daniel, George, and Jordan for beating the shit out of the guy. I looked over and saw Danny putting Ash in the back of a cab and screaming at us to hurry up, that we need to get to the hospital, that Ash had passed out and wouldn't wake up and that her head was bleeding and wouldn't stop.

Danny shacking me brought me out of the flashback.

"They said we can go see her come on." Danny said pulling me out of the chair.

I just nodded and followed him and the rest of the guys to Ash's room. I couldn't help but feel this was my fault. That maybe if I would have stayed with her this wouldn't be happening.

We got to her room but non of us wanted to open the door. After a couple of seconds I finally forced myself to open the door and go in. I wish I wouldn't have.

Ash was just lying there asleep. She was hooked up to many different machines. I felt tears form in my eyes but blinked them away. I walked to her bedside followed by the rest. I touched her face. She felt so cold.

Then the doctor walked in and we all turned to him.

"Ok so i'm guessing you guys are her family." He said looking at us.

"No we are just her friends." Danny said

"Oh well then do you know where her family is, cause I can't tell you guys whats wrong with her without hers or their consent." He said.

"No we don't she just moved into the apartment next to mine." I said before Danny could answer.

The doctor nodded then said. "Well if one of you were in a relationship with her I would be able to tell that person."

"I' am, i'm her boyfriend." I blurted out, and earned confused looks from my friends.

"Well if you would step out into the hallway with me." The doctor said walking out the door.

I followed behind him. I shut the door behind me and waited for the doctor to talk.

"Well Ashley will be fine, she need a few stitches but nothing serious, she will also need to stay over night though." He said looking over the chart in his hand

"Why does she need to stay over night if she is ok?" I asked eyeing him.

"Because she is dehydrated from all the alcohol she drank, thats why she passed out." The doctor said looking up from the chart at me.

"Oh ok....wait how did you know her name?" I asked before the doctor walked away.

"Her ID that we found in her purse." The doctor said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Well I will see you later when I come to check on her if your still here." He added and walked away.

I went back in the room and looked at the guys. I told them everything. After a couple of minutes they said that they had to go and that they would see me later. I just nodded and sat in the chair next to Ash's bed.


The next day after the doctor said it was ok I took Ash home. She asked if I could stay with her and of course I said yes. So now i'm sitting on her couch with her watching a movie.

"Why did you tell the doctor you were my boyfriend?" Ash asked out of no where and caught me off guard.

"Well that was the only way we would be able to find out what had happened to you and if you were ok." I said looking at my hands.

"Oh so you only said it cause you had to." Ash said under her breathe, I almost didn't hear her but I did.

"No no don't take it like that Ash, I mean I would love to be your boyfriend but I just haven't figured out how to ask you yet." I blurted out then mentally punched myself in the face.

"Really?" She said looking at me with what looked like hope in her eyes.

"Yea." I said looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Well if that's you asking then yes." Ash said and I could feel her looking at me.

My heart jumped into my throat as I realized what she just said, I looked up at her. I didn't say anything I just kissed her.

"So you will be my girlfriend?" I asked slash said.

She just nodded and kissed me again. She pulled back and stood up.

"I'm gonna take a shower since I stink and the doctor said it was ok and that I probably should take one to get the dry blood off my head." Ash said then went into the bathroom.

I heard the shower start and decided to watch another movie but I couldn't really keep my eyes open and sleep soon pulled me under.

Ash's POV

I stood in the shower and thought about everything that had happened in such a short period of time. But I couldn't help but keep thinking about how I was now Matt's girlfriend. After I was done washing myself I got out of the shower, and went to my room an got into pjs.

I went back to the living room to hang out with Matt a little longer but he was asleep. I shook my head and grabbed a blanket from the closet. I went over to Matt and put it over him. I kissed his forehead before I went to my room and lied down. It didn't take long for sleep to pull me under.

Undead (Hollywood Undead FanFic)*Book 1*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя