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Katelyn's POV
After Lyn decided to bust into Travis' house, attempted to kill him, and tell Aph and KC, everything was back to normal. And by Normal I mean KC, Aph, And Lyn trying to get me and Travis to kiss. " Can you guys stop, please?!" I was mad. " Aww, Katelyn don't be like-" Lyn didn't finish her sentence because at that moment Garroth, Zane, Vylad, Dante, Laurence, And Aaron walked in.
Lyn's POV
I was shocked. All the boys had just walked through the door and into the living room. I froze when they saw me. " Lyn... What are you doing here?" Aaron said. "..." Aaron and the boys when about to do something to me but u was faster than them. I ran away, dragging Katelyn with me. " Where are we going?!??" Katelyn asked. J didn't answer I just kept running.
Travis' POV
When I finally caught up with Lyn and Katelyn, I yelled at Lyn. " WHAT THE HECK LYN?!?!? WHY DID U DRAG KATELYN WITH YOU WHEN YOU RAN AWAY?!?!" " I-" I cut her off and pulled Katelyn to me. " I am taking Kate back." " Don't call her-" I cut her off again. " You have no right to tell me crap. Come back when you are going to cowardly runs away from your fears." Me and Katelyn walked away leaving Lyn shocked. Why did she have to be so dang complicated?
Lyn's POV
I was shocked at what Travis said to me. He didn't even know why I ran. And to call me a coward?!? I was done. I just wanted to talk to Aph and the girls and try to patch things up with the boys but they went to far. I didn't want see them ever again. I angrily walked back to Aphmau's house and barged in. "Lyn! What the-" I cut Travis off and said," Shut the heck up! You don't even know why I ran! Did u ever think to ask the boys what the did to me?!?!? DID YOU?!?!?!" I was EXTREMELY angry. I had had it with them. "THEY TRIED TO KILL ME!!! THEY THREW ME OFF A BUILDING!!! THEY HATED ME AND I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO THEM!!!!! SO SHUP THE HECK UP AND LEAVE ME THE FRICK ALONE!!!!!!!" And with that I stormed out of the house leaving Everyone shocked and scared. Shocked bed cause I never got this angry. But scared of what I might do to Katelyn and Travis.

Hey guys!! I hope u enjoyed this chapter! I was feeling like making myself angry and hated so yeah! Anyways see u in the next chapter! LYN OUUUTTTT

Broken HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora