Before Beginning!!

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Hello Readers!!

This book is purely my imagination. Any characters, events or incidents hold no resemblance to any real life incidents. Any similarities between any other book and this book is purely a coincidence. This book is just for entertainment purposes and not to hurt anyone's sentiments.

Anyone not liking any particular part or a track in the story can happily stop reading it. I haven't forced you to read it. As I said it is purely my imagination and only for entertainment purposes. Nobody is forced to read this book. I m not paid to write this book.

It's completely your choice whether you wish to read this book or not. Wattpad doesn't force you to read a particular book. At any point of time you do not like the book then you can stop reading. I wouldn't mind that. But I will not stand a single abusive against me or my hardwork.

Nobody dares to copy my work or transmit it in any other form. If found on any other social media or in any other technical or written form with out authorised permission then Strict legal action will be taken. I hope you know PLAGIARISM is a crime.

For my old readers there are going to be changes so it's a request please don't panic I will re-show each and everything. As far as the plot is concerned then the answer to it is NO.
No there will be no change in the plot. Just that will make a necessary few additions and reductions. Please have some patience.

For my new readers, I hope you guys love my work and I m able to entertain you. Please support me and keep loving me.

Hope you guys are clear now. Anything that you want to know regarding the story you can always contact me on wattpad or on my insta account. Id:freelancer_JS.

Thanks for reading❤


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