Chapter 666 illumanati confirmed yassssss rossome

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This isn't a real chapt- *Gets pushed out of the way by my meme side* (Yes I have a meme side, I just have a part of my head where everything is datboi, doge, illumanati and more. Also is just the wierdest thing you've ever seen with fandoms gone insane, etc., etc.) IM GONNA MAKE THIS CHAPTER NOW! IWNEHDI2JWJWOAMANEKWKWKWKWKAOAOAO WOWZ DOGE YASS QUEEN SLAY! (Basically this is just kinda... idek. Also real chapter tomorrow maybe)

             Coru senpei luuked at Shed she waz da best Shed like no one ever was. She alweyz was rollin down da street, while Coru was rollin to da beat. Den, a wild Max came out of nowhere, yelling about playing UNO and den stebbed Coru with a cleaver. "NOW WE GOTTA PLEY UNO NOWWWWW I KILLED RED!" he yelled. Shed held the wild dying Coru in her arms, she waz sed, very sed like KAWAII DESU MUCH KAWAII BEAUTIFUL Bluevacktor. Bluevacktor waz so kawaiiiii he brought Coru Chan beck to life. "I luv u Shed," he muttered. "I am such a baka for letting da wild Max kill u," Shed repiled. "DAT WEZ NUUT RED MAX, DAT WAZ CORU!" Sub was talking now for some reason. "I AM SORRU SUB SAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMAMAMA I WILL DO NOTHING AND NOT MAKE UP FOR MY ACTIONS OF KILLING OF A PERSON WHO'S INNOSENSE COULDVE BEEN RENEWED IF HE SAW HIS FWRIENDS AND LEARNED RED WAS A BEDDD PERSON! MUCH BAD VERU DOGE WOWOWOWOOWOWOW!" Sad, not Glad, not Sad, not Mad, but insane Mad Max and Cheez yelled at a bird who wasn't Sub.

              Apparently everyone thought Coru was ded. Den Nick ran up to Coru and kissed him, cause da ship needed to sail and da reader all gasped, the author was a baka and they killed da author cuz she wez so baka. Den, youtube sensation rad vector kissed Burnie and Rednu sailed. Shed didn't care about Coru anymuree and went to go and kiss nobudy cuz she is an independent dat boi. Ross started yelling about Pastrami City and the chapter ended.

The meme side has run out ideas, this sin is over. I would like to thank Jerry (From Tokyo Soul roleplay) and Temmie for teaching my meme side how to use bad grammar. So I'm working on a real chapter and a real chapter is comming soon. Yup. My meme side ranted a bit about how we didn't want Cory to ^you know^ in CD, if you don't know... HUSH MEH CHILD.... JUST BE CONFUZZLED.


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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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