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It was late afternoon now and I spent the day isolating myself in my room again.

I had just walked out to go to the bathroom and to my surprise it was locked.

"Hey, sorry," a voice said, instantly opening the door.

I looked up and saw Duff, who looked extremely handsome and I swear I lost my breath for a split second.

He then looked down and saw me and his facial expression went to instant bitchiness.

"And where are you going?" I couldn't help but to question.

"With an old girlfriend of mine. She's in town and she gave me a call," he told me.

"Oh... so you were like boyfriend/ girlfriend with this girl?" I asked.

"I was. I was crazy in love with her and she was crazy in love with me," he told me with a devilish smirk.

"Good. Maybe you two will reconnect and date again," I snapped.

"That's the goal," he said meanly, squinting his eyes at me as he shoved his way past me.

I turned around and watched him walk down the stairs and immediatley felt jealous. I didn't want him out with anybody, especially his ex-girlfriend, whom apparently he was in love with.

I tried to shake it off the best I could and walked into the bathroom.

A couple of hours passed and it was now the time of the night.

I went downstairs to the living room to hang out with the rest of the crew, and not to my surprise, almost all of them were drugged out or wasted.

"Where's Duffy, Jenna?" Steven asked me.

"Out I guess," I shrugged.

"When's his punk ass gettin' back?" he asked again.

"I don't fuckin' know," I shot back.

We then all sat in silence, watching the TV, until we were interupted by the door busting open and a tall blonde running in with nothing but excitement.

"JEN'S CAR. NOW," Duff demanded to all of us.

I didn't bother to question it, neither did anyone else, and we all ran and piled into my car.

Duff went into the driver's seat, me sitting in the passenger, and everyone else piled in the back.

Duff then turned up the radio and cranked it to almost the highest volume and we were all confused.

"You want us to hear radio commericals?" Axl asked.

"No. Shut the fuck up and listen!" Duff exclaimed.

We all sat patiently listening to the radio commericals as Duff drove around.

"Welcome back. Now as promised we are going to be playing a new tune by a band we just recently discovered. They are five young, and may I say, good looking men, who call themselves Guns N' Roses. They are hard rock and let me tell you, they know how to jam! Here is one of their songs, by the name of, Welcome To The Jungle!"

"HOLY SHIT!" Steven screamed loudly.

The radio then got turned up so loudly in my car I thought we were all bound to explode.

"DID YOU HEAR THAT SHIT?!" Duff excitedly screamed.

"Told you fuckers we'd make it someday," Axl muttered with a smile, lighting up a cigarette.

"THIS IS US. ON THE RADIO, MAN!" Steven yelled again, clearly in shock.

"Good job, baby!" Anna grinned, kissing Slash's lips.

I then glanced over at Duff, who convientley glanced over at me too, and I shot him a smile.

"I am proud of you," I told him quietly.

He shot me a smile back and a slight nod.

"I know," he said back.

I then looked out of the window and resumed listening to all the cheering and screaming about their song being played on the radio, which honestly made me happy.

Everyone got out of the car, leaving just Duff and I.

"I can't imagine how you feel right now," I said.

"Amazing. It can only get better from here," he said back.

"How was it?" I asked.

"What?" he asked back, looking at me.

"Seeing your ex. Did you guys re-connect?"

"Oh," he laughed under his breath, shaking his head, "it was alright I guess."

"Only alright?" I questioned.

"What do you want to hear? That I wanna fuck the shit out of her?"

"Not particularly," I snapped, starting to feel some rage in me.

"Well, that's the truth," he shrugged.

Why was he being such an ass? To rub it in my face? To make me jealous? What is the reason?

"Thanks for sharing, Duff," I said with a harsh tone, reaching for the car door handle.

"But... it'd be a lie if I said I wanted her more than you," he said.

That statement stayed with me for a bit and I couldn't help but to smile to myself. I didn't let him see my happiness though, so I quickly escaped the car.

I then walked into the kitchen and saw everyone sitting at the dining table.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"We're playing cards. Come join us," Izzy said.

I nodded and headed to the table, taking an empty seat next to Anna and Izzy.

"Is Duff comin' too?" Steven asked me.

"He should be," I shrugged, "I don't really know."

"Black Jack. You ready?" Slash asked, shuffling the cards, eyeing me down intensely.

"I was born ready, baby," I replied.

He gave me a smirk as he started to deal out cards to everyone.

"Here," Axl said to me, handing me a beer and a cig.

"Thanks," I chuckled, happily accepting both.

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