Start from the beginning

"Sorry 'bout your friend there.", Sally said.

Red smirked, taking her whistle again. "Oh don't worry. I have a lot of Bobs."

She blew her whistle again, and two wolves came out and attacked Tibbers on both sides. Tibbers angrily growled as he he grabbed the one of the wolves and slammed it to the other one.

Red laughed and blew the whistle once again, making four wolves appear and attack Tibbers. Sally's face scrunched up in worry as she saw her bear getting outnumbered. She then picked up a rock and threw it at one of the wolves. One of them faced her and growled, slowly walking towards her. She quietly took out of the glowing light-fruits from her back, and as the wolf jump at her, she threw it in its mouth and punched it on its snout, making it swallow the ball. The wolf shook its head rapidly, gagging on the ball. It then howled, and burst, splashing Sally with its black blood.

Red stomped angrily. "Useless wolves!! Just kill them already!!!!", she angrily ordered.

Tibbers thrashed around, trying to fend of the wolves by himself. Sally brought out a knife from her bag and ran to help Tibbers. She stabbed one of the wolves on its head, twisted it, and kicked the wolf away. Tibbers grabbed one and snapped its body in half, and bit the other one, who was gnawing on his shoulder.

Red threw her hands in the air. She then angrily pointed at Sally. 

"Why are you helping him!?!", she questioned Sally.

"Because he's my friend!!", Sally retorted.

"Friend?! HAH! He's just a toy!", Red said as she blew her whistle again. Half of a dozen wolves appeared, and circled Sally and her bear.

"Well, he's not just a toy for me!!!", Sally angrily said as she placed her hand on Tibbers' damaged arm.

"Then go die with him!!", Red said, and the wolves attacked them.

Sally stabbed one of the wolves on its eye and kicked it away. She kept on fighting the wolves off, while Tibbers kept on slashing and biting the wolves, growling and roaring at them.

Sally finished off one of the wolves, but she got knocked down by another one. It stood over her, snarling. Sally shielded her face with her arms, bracing herself from the wolf, but in a blur of brown fur, Tibbers kicked the wolf away from Sally. By doing this, the pack of wolves were able to jump to his back and bring him down. They bit and snapped at Tibbers, who is trying so hard to get up and fend of the wolves.

"JUST END HIM ALREADY!", Red ordered the wolves.

"No!!!", Sally cried out, running to Tibbers' aid, but she was stopped by Red, who pulled her hair back.

"Just watch them.", she said with a smirk. "Watch them play."

"N-No!!! Tibbers!!", Sally screamed out, desperately trying to get Red's grip on her hair.

She saw a the whistle shine on Red's necklace, very exposed. She then had an idea.

"Your toy doesn't love you.", Red harshly whispered on Sally's ear.

Sally weakly laughed. "I don't believe your toys love you too.", she said with a wide smile. She then grabbed the whistle from Red's necklace, and delivered a sharp punch to her face. Red was forced to release Sally, while Sally jumped back, Red's whistle gleaming on her hand.

Red noticed her whistle no longer with her. Her face showed pure panic. Sally waved it in front of her.

"Looking for this?", she grinned. Red screamed and ran to her.

"Give it back!!", Red shrieked as she desperately tried to grab it from Sally.
Sally took her knife and swiftly stabbed Red on her gut, then kicking her back.

"G-Give it back...", Red stuttered while crawling to Sally.

Sally again kicked right to her face.

Red's face morphed to pure terror as she watched Sally destroy her whistle. In one last effort, Red stood up and charged at Sally. Sally swiftly dodged her and stabbed her knife in Red's gut. She then kicked her down, leaving Red agonizing in her pain.

The wolves suddenly stopped mauling the bear. They sniffed the air, and growled as they turned to glare at Red's direction. They then slowly walked to her, snarling and frowlin angrily.

Red started whispering 'no' repeatedly under her breath, slowly backing away from the pack of wolves  inching towards her.

Sally calmly walked away from Red, slowly running her hand through the fur of one of the wolves walking beside her. It didn't mind, because it seemed like Red was the only thing they were focused on.

"H-Hey n-n-now.... stay... I-I SAID STAY!! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!", Red tried to command the wolves, but they only growled in response.

A hoarse whispering voice echoed through the room, and it seemed to be coming from the pack.
"For years, you had our kind under your control. You used us, let us die for your sake, and never showed any sign of care. Now,-", it said as the wolves are now in front of her, "-you must pay."

Red could only scream in pain as thr wolves started to attack her. Weakened, she wasn't able to fight back. The wolves tore her apart, ripping parts of her pale flesh away from her arms and legs. They chewed on her face, biting off her nose and snacked on her lips in delight.

Sally didn't show any interest on the dying girl, for she was too busy fixing up her friend. She took out a golden needle from her bag and, a line of silky white thread materialized from it. Sally smiled, silently thanking Tails for the useful gift. She started to sew the rips on Tibbers' flesh. Tibbers only purred, not really bothered by the child sewing his wounds.

Red continued to protest and cry for help, but Sally paid no attention to her cries.

After a few minutes, the screams died down. One by one the wolves disappeared. Sally just finished up stitching Tibbers. She packed up her things as Tibbers shrunk down to his teddy form.

"Oh nooo... you lost your button!", Sally exclaimed with worry as she pointed to Tibbers' eyes. One of them was missing.

Tibbers growled sadly, and Sally responded by giving him a pat on his head.

"No worries~ I'm gonna fix it!", she said. She then walked to the mangled corpse of her opponent, then taking the bloody and ripped hood from the corpse's neck. She also pulled of one of the buttons in Red's overall.

Sally placed the hood around her shoulders, twirling twice and clearly pleased by herself. She then knelt down and took out her needle again, sewing the button she took on Tibbers' face.

Tibbers purred and made Sally carry him. Sally giggled and carried the bear as they walked out of room.


Guys, I'm really sorry for the laye updattteee!!! This chapter is lhas been in my phone for quite some time, but I couldn't really bring myself to publish it T^T

Goddammit anxiety...


-Kitty (=^•w•^=)

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