Chapter Eighteen: Blaine

Start from the beginning

"Ava, you better have a good reason for calling us this early." Kurt said in his infamous sassy tone.

"Geez, it's only eight. That is not early."

"It's summer. Yes, it is." I groaned, because it was so like the two of them to get into an argument about what time of the day is early. As much as those two get along when it comes to music and fashion, I knew that Ava's personality was bound to get on Kurt's nerves at one point or another.

"No, I have to get up at- Oh, you're getting me of topic! I called for a reason."

"What?" Kurt and I both asked at sort of the same time. I heard a slight snicker on the other line, but I ignored it.

"So what are you guys doing two weeks from now?"

Oh, geez. I was officially scared. I looked at Kurt, who was looking at me, the wheels obviously turning in his head.

"Nothing I can think of at the moment..." Kurt said, and then smirked. "Why?"

"So I was talking to my dad about stuff and he gave me permission to take that whole week off of work... So I could take the two of you to New York."

Kurt's face lit up like a toddler at Christmastime. I grinned, mostly at him, although New York did sound like an awesome idea, especially now that I didn't have my parents to worry about.

"Really? You're kidding! New York, Blaine!" Kurt grinned at me, and I was afraid he was going to break his face, he was smiling that much.

"Just the three of us?" I asked.

"Unless Kurt's dad doesn't want you guys to go, then yeah, I guess it'd just be the three of us."

"Is he awake? He probably isn't, but I can wake him up. I'm going to ask him right now." Kurt said, bouncing off of the bed.

"You're not excited at all, Kurt." Ava joked.

"Not at all. Come on, Blaine. You can take Ava off of speaker, but leave on the phone, though."

"Okay," I said, pressing the speaker button again. "Av, you are off speaker. Give us a few minutes."

I followed Kurt across the hall, tiptoeing past Finn's room and into Carole and Burt's. Burt was definitely asleep. It was kind of awkward for me to be there, I realized, considering I was his son's boyfriend and this was his room... So I lingered at the doorway while Kurt went right up to the bed, plopping down and shaking his dad.

"Dad! Dad, wake up!"

"What? What time is it?" Burt said groggily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"A little after eight, but I have a question for you. We're not doing anything in two weeks, right?"

"I don't know... It's a little early to tell..." Kurt's face sunk a little bit, so Burt continued. "Why?"

"Ava wants to take Blaine and I to New York," Kurt said in one breath.

"Ava's the girl from the zoo? Blaine's friend?"

"Yes," Kurt nodded.

"How old is she, again?" Burt asked, looking up to me.

" She's twenty-six, and very responsible. And she already said that she'll pay for the gas to get there and also for the hotel." I answered softly.

"Can we go? Please, daddy? It will be a great learning experience. We didn't get to do much tourist-y stuff at nationals... And Blaine's never been. Also, we'd be able to go see Wicked. Please?" Kurt was pretty much begging. It was a cross between pathetic and adorable. I still haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards adorable.

"I... Kurt, it's eight in the morning, can't you give me some time to think about it?"

"We have Ava on the phone..." Kurt said, motioning to the phone that was still pressed up to my ear, Ava probably intently listening to this whole conversation.

"Well, tell her that you can get back to her tomorrow. I'll have to talk to Carole about it first."

"So, is it a maybe-probably-yes or a maybe-probably-no?" Kurt sighed.

"It's a maybe-probably-I-don't-know, Kurt. Now go away and let me sleep." Burt said, collapsing back on his bed, murmuring a few inaudible phrases.

I followed Kurt back into his room, putting Ava back on speaker.

"You heard that?" I asked.

"Yeah... so how's it looking Kurt?"

"It was pretty much a yes. If he says he's going to talk to Carole about it, it's a yes. Carole would love for us to go to New York." Kurt smiled, having deciphered his father's answer already. Although I can't say I was surprised.

"Just think, Blaine... The three of us in New York City!" Ava said with a squeal. I smiled, putting my arm around Kurt and squeezing him close to me. He looked back at me with a glimmer in his eye.

"Yeah... New York City."

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