Chapter 1

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I, quietly, stepped out of my house, letting the door click behind me. It was still dark, so I had enough time.

I went to the back of our house, pulling myself up on the side of the house. I kept climbing until I got to the roof. I crawled to the edge of the roof and hung my legs over, watching the sun rise. Unlike Ponyboy (who likes sunsets), I prefer sunrises.

I sighed as the sky lit up in bright blue (my favorite color). This is where I wanted to be. I won't worry about Ponyboy's health. I won't think about my parents abandoning me. I'll let my mind go completely blank. Just as I closed my eyes to relax, I hear my older brother calling out to me.

"Arabella, get down here before you fall! You don't want Darry to find out you've been up there!" Sodapop said, his wet, bare chest glistened in the sunlight.

I groaned.

"Fine." I called back. I leaped off the roof and stumbled to the ground. Soda hauled me up and steadied me when I nearly fell, again.

"I hate it when you do that." He told me for the hundredth time. He held the door open for me as I stepped back inside. Darry had found his way into the kitchen and was leaning over some bacon. His bare arms flexed as he fixed breakfast.

"Hey, kiddos!" Darry said through a yawn. "Want some breakfast?"

"Can't. We're already late as it is." Soda said, slipping on a DX shirt. I don't work there, but I go so I can see Steve. Steve is my best friend in the whole world. I tell him all my problems, which takes up most of the time we spend together.

"Okay. Bye." Darry called as Soda stormed out the door. I grabbed a piece of bacon and winked at Darry, who chuckled. I split the piece of bacon and handed half to Soda, who swallowed it whole, and shoved the other piece in my mouth.

When we got to the DX, Soda and I jumped the fence and I looked down at Steve, who was under a red car.

"Glory, y'all 'bout gave me a heart attach." Steve said, coming to my side so he can hug me. His strong arms reminded me of Darry's, but the smell (sweat and oil) was all Sodapop. He handed me an unopened Coke from the cooler that sat outside. I popped it open and swished it in my mouth. I spit it out and gulped half of the rest of the bottle down. I sat with my back to the fence as Soda and Steve started working on the car.

"Hey, Steve, I caught Arabella on the roof again." Soda blurted. I rolled my eyes.

"Arie, you need to be really careful doing those things. You could easily slip and fall." Steve said.

"I know, I'll be careful." I assured them. Soda got up and went inside.

"Okay, why were you on the roof?" Steve asked, focusing on the car.

"I'm worried about Ponyboy. He's not getting any better." I sighed. Ever sense Pony came back from the burning church. The only reason I know this is because Darry and Soda sat down to have a talk with me, when I first came to their house.

"Are you sure it's Pony and not your parents?" Steve questioned. I looked at my lap. "Arie, you know we all love you, right?" He asked.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Then shouldn't that be enough?" I nodded. Steve was right. It should be enough. But, why isn't it?


First chapter! What did y'all think? :)

The Outside of the Glass (The Outsiders FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora