Don't Take Off the Bag

Start from the beginning

"Literally all you guys do is sleep!" I groaned out. The cats were covering the couch. Fritz stood by the door, holding his bandana. "Nuh-uh! You aren't going, little man!" I scowled, pushing him away, causing him to whine. Mozart and Germouser began dragging him away. I grabbed my keys and my purse and exited as fast as I could, shutting the door. I sighed in relief, no cats about! I laughed a little crazily and headed to my car. I don't think I could handle more cats, but they are so CUTE! I got into my car and let out a large sigh, sitting back and relaxing for a second. I cranked up some Fall Out Boy and headed into town. I sighed, stopping at the market first. I pushed a buggy into the store and picked up a few things. They were having a a sale on "fancy" tuna, so since it was the only thing that really appeased the cats, I grabbed armfuls. Thank goodness it didn't cost too much. I picked up my other stuff and headed to the registers. My cashier chuckled.
"Nice to see you again." He smirked.
"Wazzup, Tom?" I smiled.
"Someone likes tuna." He laughed, only halfway through the large cans.
"Not a big fan of it." I retorted, "How's cashier work treating ya?"
"It's okay, keeps me busy. Checks come soon right?"
"Yes they do, Thomas."
"How much tuna do you need?!" I looked back and forth.
"Look, and you can't tell anyone bro." He nodded, "I've had a bunch of cats take up at my place, they are adorable! So, here I am buying tuna."
"What about owners?"
"I don't know! No one has come asking around and I don't see posters up." I explained, he nodded.
"Just don't let that cow up at town hall catch you, you know how she is about codes and crap."
"I know, I know. Thanks Thomas, I'll see you next round."
"Okay, see ya kid!"I quickly walked out with my items, becoming a little paranoid and wondering if anyone heard me. I got in the car and drove off to PetSmart.

I began looking around for something the cats could be occupied with. Playing with socks and little decorative feathers, and tennis balls only went so far. I grinned, grabbing different multi-packs of little mice and the jingly balls that cats loved to play with. I grabbed a feather teaser, and a pack of catnap. I also grabbed a water fountain so I didn't have to keep cleaning and refilling water bowls. I paid for the items, sighing at how expensive the total came up to be. I would get my check in a few weeks though. Maybe I should do like Tom and get a part-time job until we go full again. I placed the objects in the car and went to put the cart up. One of the bags fell over suddenly, causing me to jump. I turned around, groaned, and put it up. I wasn't going to clean up that mess if I didn't have to. I made several more stops, rented a couple movies from Red-Box, and finally headed home. I parked, got out, and opened the door to the backseat and giggled. There was a funny face drawn on one of the brown paper bags, with two large circles for eyes and a smile. I grabbed the bag and let out a shriek. The bag swiped at me, letting out a growl, I fell back and landed on my butt. I looked up, trembling from the shock. That's when I noticed something. A tail was flicking around the bag, the bag was attached to a small furry body, I facepalmed. A cat just scared the daylights out of me. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Dude! What the heck!" I whined in annoyance at the cat. I put my hand out, the cat started rubbing on me, well, more like its bag rubbing on me. A "Flag-of-Turkey" bandana was around his neck, Kedi neatly stitched in gold on the fabric. I looked over his shoulder and deadpanned. Another cat was sound asleep, sitting on the passenger side backseat. How did I not notice that when I got in? Other than the Greek flag around his neck, I noticed a heart-shape mark on the fur. These were some strange cats. But out of all of them, these two had set the record. I mean what the heck?! totally was up there with them.

"I guess you guys are going to want to stay too, huh? Good grief, what am I saying?! Ya'll can't stay here!" I stopped myself. The sleeping cat opened it's eyes and yawned, then staring at me like it was still half-asleep. "Kedi" hopped out of the car and rubbed against my legs, the paper bag in the way as he tried to go through them. "And all male cats! Ugh! I swear, poor Pan is surrounded by nothing but kitty testosterone!" I whined, trying to convince myself not to let these two in. Kedi got on his back legs and began pawing at my keys. I felt my eyes sparkle in cuteness overload. I huffed and told the two cats to get out and go inside. Kedi literally trotted to the door. I grabbed the bags, and felt the other cat on my heels. I ran to the door and shoved myself and the bags against the door as I took my keys out, and opened the door. The door was thrown open and my whole bag of tuna fell on the floor. A few other bags broke and the contents spilled onto the floor. I groaned out angrily. I placed the other bags on the table and went out to lock the car. I closed the door and took a quick headcount, thankfully all the cats were inside. I began picking up the (thankfully unbroken) cans and other contents from my bags. Germouser, Bucky, and Kedi were pushing the cans of tuna towards me. I smiled. I looked to my side and saw the cat with the Greek bandana put his paw on a can of tuna and stare at me, slowly pushing it forward. I looked at his bandana and saw "Zeus" stitched into one of the white lines.

"Thanks you guys." I said, giving each of them a rub on the head. I picked the cans up and headed to the kitchen. Suddenly I heard cat hisses and growls and raced back into the living room to see Zeus and Kedi fighting each other. I scowled and grabbed my new spray bottle and began spraying the two cats. They immediately stopped and stared at me. "I already have to deal with those two-" I pointed at Pinot and Scone, "I don't need you two doing it either! I can't have Mortal Komcat in here 24/7!" I said irritably, placing the bottle on a bench. I smiled, "Now, who wants tuna?" I announced the question and giggled as the cats, meowing happily, raced to the kitchen. I looked down to see Kedi, waiting on me. I bent down and placed my hands on his paper bag. He pawed at me.

"You want to keep this on here? Can I please just have a look?" I cooed. He removed his paws and I lifted up the bag, a large grin creeping over my face.


"What did they say?" Alfred excitedly asked as Gilbert came out the room he had been locked up in for the past hour. The group was sitting in the living room, waiting on Gilbert to get done questioning his "mini gilbirds."

"This is ridiculous, how can those little chicks-"

"They basically reported that it went by so fast that they don't remember the exact location." Gilbert first said, looking at Ludwig and Roderich.

"I told you this wasn't going to work." Yao scowled at Alfred. Alfred defensively glared at the Chinese man.

"HOWEVER!" Gilbert announced, grinning his trademark grin, "They remember the town they were in, Fritz raided every trashcan there." He explained, looking proud. "I think they said...(T/N)!"

"Why's he proud about that?"

"Who cares, we have a location."

"We got to hurry!"

"Calm down, we'll find our kitty friends."

"Next stop, (T/N)!" Feliciano gleefully squealed, hugging his brother.


Author's Note -

Sorry it took so long guys! I probably won't update as fast I have been. I also must apologize for the long hiatus, still getting stuff together, explaining my update speed. But I promise I'll work on my stories on any free time I have. Thanks so much for reading the story, I really appreciate the reads and votes! You all are AWESOME!

Yay, Turkey-Cat and Greece-Cat! More of their antics will be in the next chapter, and perhaps some more cats? I don't know, Reader-Chan is going to be cat-crazy by the end of the story.

I may do Nordics next, possibly....Any requests for any specific cats? Or maybe a dedication chapter? I can do that, just leave a comment, I'll be glad to respond! Thanks again ya'll!

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