|To the end of the Line| Stucky

Comenzar desde el principio

"Had fun?" Steve asked scanning Bucky's attire. He had lipstick markings all over his face, the shirt he was wearing was obviously mis-buttoned and halfway tucked into his pants. "Myeah. Jol-ene was a bl-ast." His eyelids were getting heavy.  Steve felt a bit jealous, not the fact that Bucky went out and he stayed home. But the fact that he had some fling with a girl who probably didn't deserve it.

"That's good, I got offered a job." He grinned sheepishly. Bucky hiccuped and his full attention was on him. "Mthat's great!" He drunkenly shouted. Steve chucked at how loud he was. "Yeah, I'll be drawing pictures for textbooks," he explained carefully, trying to make him understand. Plastered Bucky gapped enthusiastically. "Wow Ste-vie! Thatsfuck-ing awesome!" He enveloped him in a strong hug. Steve nuzzled his nose in his neck; smelled like cheap perfume and cigarettes. Muscular arms wrapped around him, giving him a tight embrace. "M' proud." Bucky breathed and gave Steve a small kiss on the shoulder.

This was new. The only thing they ever did that was this close, is sleeping in the same bed. Steve breaks the hug, a bit nervous. Bucky was drunk, yes, but that was weird. He shrugged it off, chucking. "I got' into the army." James's eyes wandered off.


Steve asked confused.  When did Bucky apply for the army? "Well yeah. I- put my name on t-he list." He kicked off his boots. "When?" Steve lifted a brow, creating a small crease. "About' a week ago." He grinned.

Steve bounced to balls of his feet. "You can't do that! You can't leave me Bucky!" The blonde fretted, starting to panic. What would he do without his pal? Bucky got up, swaying a bit and grabbed Steve's collar lightly. "M'not goin' no where." The Brooklyn accent leaked through. They both stared into each other's eyes. "Don't leave me. Please don't Bucky, I-" Bucky cuts him off by placing a kiss to his cheek. Steve blushed madly. "I'm with you to the end of the line, pal." He said soberly. That right there ladies and gentlemen is what made Steven Grant Rogers, break into tears.


He felt, fuzzy. Trying to grasp on reality, that he just unthawed from the ice that he crashed into decades ago. How could he be alive? He asked himself. When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Confused, he looked around. He was in a laboratory; he knew that. But everything just looked different.

Then the memories came flooding back.

"Bucky, the train. Peggy, the plane..." He mumbled to himself, ignoring the waves of questions that the people were asking. He squinted, he had a headache. This was too much to deal with.


"On your left!"

Steve shouted bypassing Sam, a new friend of his. "Awh come on!" Sam shouted back, a grin playing at his lips.

Apparently, Sam was a soldier in the past as well, that's what made them fast friends. He was getting better at this whole twenty-first-century thing. He noted suggestions that people gave him when he asked about what he'd miss.

It's when they figured out that it was Bucky that was causing all the ruckus. His eyes gleamed; his long lost best friend was still alive. He was pretty sure he had seen him die before his eyes.

He had been informed that Bucky was brainwashed and that it wasn't really him. But after a few encounters, he started to get the hang of him. Being distant and cold. Rejecting questions, and staring. He still felt the amount of love he had for him, back in the day.

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