|Loki's problem| Thor X Reader X Loki

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"THORRRRR!!!!" You heard Loki, your boyfriend's brother, shout from the outside of your bedroom.

You looked beside you; a sleeping mess of blonde hair. He wasn't waking up sooner or later, so you got out of bed and threw on a pair of pants to open the door. Behind the wooden door stood the tall, slender, black-haired male. Just by his facial expression, you could tell he was not happy this morning.

"Where is Thor?" He gritted through his teeth. You motioned towards your sleeping boyfriend, who was now snoring lightly. 

"He's sleeping your highness, and so is everybody else. Get with the program." You grumbled closing the door, but Loki stopped it with his foot. 

You sigh and face him again. "What do you want?" You blinked slowly. "I need to discuss what my brother has done to me." He said angrily. You just lifted a brow, having no clue what he was talking about. 

He sighed with frustration and took off his long-sleeved baggy sweater, revealing... Breasts? 

"Pffffff! Haha, Loki has boobs!" You poked at his chest. 

"Stop that, you idiot!" Loki swatted your hand away. "Now wake him, I have to speak with him." He tried to walk into your bedroom, but you stopped him. 

"Woah, easy there. It's really rude to enter a room without being invited to do so, Loki. Your royal manners are terrible. Also, news flash, Thor isn't waking up anytime from now. He's a heavy sleeper, of all people, I thought you would've known that." You scolded.

"But this cannot wait! I am a female!" He pleaded, motioning towards his chest. He wore the same angry expression, but you were too tired to feel sorry for him. "Being a girl isn't that bad, accept it." You crossed your arms over your chest, leaning against the door frame, feeling slightly offended. 

"I don't think so dear (Y/N)." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "What do you mean?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't know how to... You know! Don't make me say it!" He was stressed out, doing some sort of charade. 

"You don't know how to...pee?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Exactly! I want him to change me back!" He clenched his fists. 

"Okay calm down, reindeer games. How do you even know it's Thor? He's been with me since last night." You sassed. "I know so because, when I asked him to bring me a beverage, I sensed that there was something unusual about the substance. When I questioned the oaf he just simply said 'No brother, I would never do such things.' But deep down inside I know he was lying." His eye twitched, and he held a finger towards you.

"Okay..... But that doesn't mean that's what caused... This." You made circular motions towards his chest. He swatted your hand. "What else would it be?" He corded his arms and popped out his hip. "For all I know, it could be Tony." You suggested. "He's been in his laboratory since I arrived here." Loki tapped his foot, we're not very fond of each other.

"Oohlala keeping tabs on the billionaire, are we? It's evident that you two have this angry sex vibe." You smirked. "That is irrelevant in this situation." He rolled his eyes once more. 

"Clint? Maybe he's messing around because you brainwashed him." He was the one who looked offended now. "He's been hiding from me." He mutters almost inaudibly looking at his feet, ashamed of his past. 

"He what?" You asked peering an ear close to him. "He's been hiding from me. The runt is a coward." He said a little louder. "Okay then... Maybe Natasha?" You were a little more awake by now. "No, not possible. She's been told by the Director, Fury, that any violent actions against me were prohibited, or she loses her position." He hissed. "Oh. Well, I don't know who else would do something like that." You tapped your chin.

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