Listen To Me

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You'll get hurt again
Their promises aren't real
We know they tell lies
Why listen to them
My brain doesn't understand my heart decision
No, I won't
They will be this time
They'll finally tell the truth
Let's give them another chance
My heart doesn't listen
It feels no need to
My brain knows what best
It tells my heart what to do
My heart doesn't care
Let's give them another chance
They won't hurt us this time
It was an accident
They promise not to do it again
We love them
My brain is giving up
Why won't you listen to me
This has happened hundreds of times
Nothing's going to change
You love them I don't
My heart doesn't care anymore
It's so used to getting hurt
Yet it always forgives
It's used to being lied to
Yet it always gives second chances
It's never the first choice
Yet it still loves
My brain has given up
My heart has taken control
But that was a mistake
My heart saw the hatred my brain was trying to protect it from
My heart saw the evil
The lies
The Cheaters
The abuse
My heart no longer loves the same
It is ice cold
And as black as coal
Yet it's still in control
My brain is desperate to get back in control
It doesn't want me to be fueled by anger and hatred
But my heart is frozen in place
With no room for change
No room for compromise
My brain is done
It lets me be run by my ice cold heart
Knowing very well
That in the end
That's what's going kill me

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