All alone

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Camerons POV
She loves me I know that... Bu..but she dosen't know that not...not yet, I'm going to convince her to Love me. I just have to figure out how.

Lillys POV
- Have you seen..
- guess who
I knew who's hands were covering my eyes it was my wonderful bf Grayson
- Hey sweetie! Grayson says grabing my waist and turning me towards him.
- Hi Babe I say Kissing his lips softly.
- so are you coming to that party tonight? Grayson says.
- Yeah i'm going with Troye
- oh so you're coming to?
- Yeah I'am Troye says a bit uncomfortable

Troye have never really liked Grayson he says that he is a "fuckboy" but I know Grayson would never cheat on me, he's to nice and sweet.

- Ok great! I'll see you at lunch babe, Grayson says kissing my forhead he then walks away into the crowd of students.

- I think I Love him I say to Troye
- WHAT?! you have only been dating him for like 3 months you can't love him already?!
- yes I can and I do i'm going to tell him that at the party tonight
- but...
- No Troye i'm going to tell him and you can't do anything about that sorry not sorry, I'll see you later,
I say grabing my books and walking into my classroom.

3 h later
Julias POV
- Finally, lunch i'm starving aren't you Jack?
- Yeah Julia i'am very hungry so if you could just get out of the fucking way so I can take my food please. Jack says a bit mad
- yeeezz I didn't know guys had periods to but you are a living example

Everyone in the line starts to laugh I can see how Jack turns bright red and walks away to the table were Cameron and Lele is already sitting.I feel a bit bad but I made everyone laugh and that's good, fuck Jacks feelings if me hurting them makes me look cool to Cameron I'm going to do it
I take my food and sits down besides Cameron

- Hey boo! I say pushing my boobs together just enough for Cameron to notice me
- Hi?
- when are you picking me up tonight? I ask
- uhh.. You know that i'm going to pick up Jack and Lele to right?
- of course I do I was just wondering

All this time I though he asked ME to the party but he had just wonderd if I wanted to come with him AND Lele and Jack.

30 minutes later
- I think i'm going to leave now Cameron says
- me to Lele says
They start to walk away
- wait for me! Jack says jogging after them
And there I was sitting all alone by the table like a complete loser, I have to move now, all the other students can't see me sitting all alone that would ruin my reputation.

Ok so the next chapter is going to be about the party and It is probably going to be pretty long just so you know!

You said you loved me.. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat