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Fadeela: I can't believe this! This is terribly disgusting! With your own brother? What decieved you to this? How could you do such a thing?
Falilah: I have already done it now and you are duty bound to forgive me because its only me and you for ourselves.
Fadeela: i'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than to claim such an irritating disgrace like you!
Falilah( sitting composed by the edge of the bed) it was a mistake, after all you also shouldn't muster the guts to get mad at me this much. Or have you forgotten the fact that we are both birds of the same feather?
Fadeela: you and who? God forbid!
Falilah: well, you ain't that pure too.
Fadeela: oh, I see. Today you are telling me this? Fine. Its good. Yes, I know I ain't that pure but I'm not as dirty as you are(I looked into falilah's eyes with mine full of tears and fell on the other side of the bed)

Era of errors2- my delusive loveWhere stories live. Discover now