My last stop was the roof. I was watching all the lights flicker from the streets. " Such a pretty view. Isn't it ? " Someone whispers. Who the fuck is it ? I thought it was my mind but it was too loud. I didn't want to look because I would die. " urrm, I guess "

They sat down next to me I looked away from them. " Ally, what's up ? " They said. I ignored them. I just wanted to be in this world right now. Enjoying this lovely view not with someone else. " Ally, answer me ! " They raised their voice. After that sound came out their mouth. I knew exactly who it was. It was Finn. " Why are you here Finn ? "

" Because of you. You might of got lost. I need to look after my sister. " He said. Touching my heart that he remembered what I said at the airport but I didn't want to show it. " Finn, leave me alone. I want time alone. " I pleaded.

" NO ! It is cold and you want time alone up here where everyone can see you. Ally you need to sleep it is 2 o'clock. "

" Finn, please. I will come down soon. "

" Then I am going to sit here until you go back to the hotel room. I will enjoy this view with you but from behind. " I nodded at his suggestion. I didn't care if he was behind me. I just wanted him to be out of eye sight. I looked around to see everything lighting up. This lighten my mood. I got up from where I was sitting and walked past Finn. " You coming ? " I questioned as he was watching me walk past him. " Huh ? Oh right yeah. Sorry. " I brought him back to the planet. I think.

We got to the lift. " Is our room nice. " I wonder. I wanted to know what it was like.

" I guess it's alright but there is a problem. " He said. Looking down at the ground. It was a big thing. " There is only one bed.. " He said.

" WHAT !?!?!?! " I shouted in the lift with only me and Finn. " B...bbbbuuuttt what are we going to do ? " I studded. I was speechless how were we going to sleep.

" Well I guess, we will have to have our own side of the beds and don't cross the line. I guess. "

" I guess we could give it a try but what about if it doesn't work ? " I always have to think about the negatives. " Well I will sleep on the sofa or floor . " Finn said.

" You would do that for me. " I was touched once again. BING !!! The elevator went. This is what stopped my conversation with Finn. I guess it would carry on later. Finn walked in front of me. I slowly followed him. He turned a corner which led us to our room. There were only 2 doors. I guess the other door was Jack's. We walked straight to the door which was facing us. The key was a special card. " Do I have a special key ? " I asked. Once again sounding like a five year old.

" I think you do. " He said, Reaching for his pocket. Then he brought a card from his magical pocket which had a black stripe across it. We walked in. There was a little hallway which led into the bathroom on your right and a wardrobe on the left. The door was a mirror which was a nice touch. We carried on walking in and there was the death bed. The telly was right in front of it so you could easily watch the TV in bed.

" What are we doing for tomorrow/today ? " I was curious.

" Well today you will probably full asleep knowing us English people. " He joked. Then continued " Tomorrow night we are going to hang out with YouTube friends who are dying to meet you and then going clubbing with them. Tomorrow morning I don't know what you want to do. " He answered my question. " How are we not going to catch each other naked ? " I asked.

" Excuse me ? " He asked. In confusion.

" Well, you know I have seen you half naked but you have never seen me and I would want to keep that private. " I said. I was a little embarrassed so a went a little pinkie colour on my cheeks. He looke down at the ground and then back up. Did he just ignore me ? Bitch !

- 2 Hours later -

We sat down on the bed. At the start it was a bit awkward because we didn't know how to sit down. Can we cuddle ? A friendly cuddle not a couple cuddle. I put my pillow against the head rest and sat against it like that. Finn sat like my but had his computer stuck to his lap. In the corner of my eye, I was watching on what he was doing. I got my IPhone out without him noticing.

I went on the twitter app. I was scrolling through my news feed and then I got to the end. Should I be cheeky or not ? I think I will be cheeky again. I typed in " Sitting in bed with @FinnHarries. America I love you ;) " I pressed send, now just wait for people to tweet me back and the shippers also. I was watching American crap when I felt someones eyes burning my shoulder. I looked around to find Finn giving me one of his to die for smiles what show his dimples. I always melt when he shows the dimples.

I moved my pillow down so I could sleep after I changed. I got a top from my suitcase and walked to the bathroom so Finn couldn't see my bum. The top was Finn's but he wouldn't mind. He want miss a top right ? I walked out of the bathroom with Finn's big top and some shorts of mine. " Isn't that my top ? " He questioned me. Shit !

" Yeah, what about if it was ? What would you do ? " I flirted with him.

" No it's fine but if you really want me to do something then I will. " Shit ! He ran up to me and chucked me over his shoulder. No Sex ! " No. I won't " He said, sounding a little disappointed. Did I just say that out loud ? I ignored what he said like it never happened. He dropped me on the bed and started tickling me. Shit ! I hate tickling.

He tickled me, like the picnic. Where I was backed to myself. It brought back bad memories. " Finn get off !! " I shouted. I tried pushing him off of me but he was too strong for my weak arms. " GET OFF !! " I screamed. I probably woke everyone up in the hotel. He was shocked so I pushed him off of me and pulled the duvet over me and closed my arms so it would block Finn's green eyes staring back into my soul. It would also stop the awkward stare. I fell asleep with a bad day following after it.

- No Body's POV -

What will Finn do ? What will happen tomorrow in America ? Does Ally have all the feelings for Finn once again ? Or does Finn have feelings for Ally or still has feelings for Rosie ? What does Jack and Rosie think about Ally ?

It All Starts With A Kiss. - Jack and Finn Harries fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now