5 Years Before The Accident.

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- Allys POV - 

It was 9:45 in the morning. Now this is early for me. I was half sleep and staring at my plain white ceiling. I was in deep thought until I realized I probably looked a right weirdo just staring at something which is plain , not moving. I had to do something fun or I wouldn't look normal. I got my arm out of the warm prison to get my phone. My arm was out in the fresh cold air of my room. I stretched my arm out to where my bed side table started. I was knocking all my perfumes , deodorants and a photo frame which had a photo of me and my friends. Where the fuck was my phone though ??? I didn't hear a massive thump which my phone makes when it hits the ground. I had to get up and look for it. Stuff my laziness. I sighed. Then I hear my phones ring tone . " Little Talks " by Of Monsters and Men. The person who was calling me was Jack frinkin Harries. What did he want at this time ? Why is he calling at this time ? Normally i am the one that calls him in the morning waking him up. Where was my phone though. I was looking around. Under my bed. Then he called again. What ever he wanted must of been important. The only place i haven't looked was under my pillow. Why would it be there though ? So I checked there it was with Jacks ID caller. I grabbed my phone quickly. I tapped accept.

" Hello , Ally its Jack. " He always saids its Jack, don't know why but he just does that. Normal child. 

"Hey , sorry about that I-" I said but he interrupt me.

"You lost your phone again. Didn't you ? " He said with a cheeky smile on his face i knew he would say that with the smile as he knows me like a book.

" No , I just .... I just couldn't be asked to pick it up. " 

" Course you did, so why did you answer it when I called you the second time ? "  When he said that all I could think about was his cockiness in his voice. What did he want anyway ?  I came out of deep  thoughts with a sound in the background.

" Anyway what did you want ? " I questioned. 

" Just to see if you were up for going out with me and Finn, " He answered. Now this was exciting for me. As I like Finn. His face , his voice , his body. Phawr !! Jack broke me from my deep thinking by coughing awkwardly.

" Sorry , Yeah sure. What time ? " 

" Half past eleven," He said. Then he added " I know how long you take to get your self ready. "

Then I thought an hour and half should be fine for me to get ready. " Okay see ya then."

After that he added with a whisper " I know about your little secret crush." I was shocked. I thought to my self Fuck! How did he know " I found a note in your bedroom a week ago and it confessed your love for my brother."  He said . How did he know what I was just thinking.

" Wait , Jack did I just say fuck out loud ? " I asked. Now I was confused about the whole thing. All I could hear from the other line was laughing. " What are you are laughing at boy ?" 

"Nothing ," He paused so he could breathe from laughing so much. " Just you being the easily confused self. " Now we were both laughing. " Right so see you at twelve."

I was confused again "Wait I thought you said half past eleven." 

" I did but you will take 2 and half billion years to get ready for Finny boy. "

I laughed again he was saying the truth. It will probably take me 3 billion years, but Jack doesn't need to know about that. " Bye. " We both said in unison. Then he hung up.

So now I need a cute but not to classy outfit. The England weather wasn't really helping me today as it was cloudy but it looked warm with the blue sky trying to show its happy joyful face. Now I had to get up. So that's what I did. I had to have a shower in lush so I smelt good for Finn. 

The shower just hit me like it washing yesterday's me off and I had a new begining. I got out of the shower and I heard some noise in the kitchen which probably meant someone was up. So I was worried if there was burglar in the house. As there was my mum , dad and my sister. I had my hair all rolled up in the towel so it would dry quicker. I grabbed my make up bag and the clothes I was going to wear before I got into the shower so I could just get out and change , and wait for the Harries twins to pick me up. The only thing I forgot was my phone. So I ran up the hall to my bedroom and grabbed my phone. I text jack saying: 

Are we having breakfast or will I have to grab something before I leave ? Ally XX

The clothes I was wearing my black skinny jeans which showed my hips. The top I wore was a white vestie top and over the top a see-through blouse which just hung off my shoulders, which I liked the style as it will hide my fat from the pass. I wore a few bangles and wore a long necklace with a swift in the middle of the necklace. 

Now it was time for make up which I kept the make up natural as I don't like looking like a slut ! The make up routine was to put foundation on first as it would look like I didn't put any on, then I put mascara and eyeliner so I didn't feel bare without any make up on my eyes and to finish off my natural look I put on some lip balm. My hair is medium length so I straightened it and then put it up in a high pony tail likes Zoe's. 

( Now you are probably wondering who I am and why I know Jack and Finny boy? I shall explain. It all started when we are at our primary school and they were in the same class as me. Then Jack and Finn used to invite me to theirs and the other way round. Then our parents meet each other then we have been family friends from then on. Now me. Well I am Ally. Well actually I am Alice but my nickname is Ally and I like it like that. I have light brown hair and my hair at the ends is lighter then my roots. I have some curves, but not the best curves. I am 15 like the Harries twins. My birthday is the 16th of June.)

Whilst I was doing my hair sorting it out. I heard my phone vibrate which only meant one thing, I have a text. I unlocked my phone to find out that it was Jack saying 

We have had our breakfast but if you want something to eat while we are out. We can do that ! Jackkky X 

So that was breakfast sorted out. Now all I had to do was sort my bag out. I put my iPod touch, iPhone, earphones, chewing gum ( just in case I had something smelly for breakie, I can make my breathe smell minty fresh ) and a few make up needs like lip balm , mascara and eyeliner. Then as I was about to grab a snack. I heard a knock which turned into a tune. Only person to do that is Jackky. I opened the door to find 1 twin.

I asked " Wheres the other one ? "

" He's making himself beautiful, " He said with a laugh coming behind what he said. We both burst out of laughter. 

A/N : First fan fiction. BAsed on a dream i had on holiday. Enjoy ! ( I dont do sexual scenes like IT. Just making out and that as far as I will go ) Little heads up there when it does come to it. If it does ? 

It All Starts With A Kiss. - Jack and Finn Harries fan fictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon