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((Warning: This story will have certain points of views (POVs), so they will be mentioned at the top. Anything in italic is either important or is a thought. Enjoy!))

A Thursday in September...

Florinda POV:
     I stood in front of "Olympian High", a small school I was transfered to a few weeks into the year. My name is Florinda, and I'm just a short girl who likes learning new things. But during the summer I learned that I was "special", and that I should go to an academy where teens like me went. Ever since we moved, I wondered why I was here. I knew NOTHING about Greek myths, but if I had something to do with it then I should take my time to study the topic.

     As I stood there, I checked myself one last time. I had on a loose t-shirt, leggings, and flats. I figured that I should just act natural and try my best not to stutter when talking. Luckily, I studied English very hard during the summer, so I knew the basics and some hard words. I fixed my hair which rested on my shoulders and breathed deeply. As I walked into the building, I felt this surge of.....nostalgia. Looking around it felt as if I was around family, even though I knew none of their names yet! Trying not to look like an idiot by just standing there, I went into the front office. There, I was greeted by a kind woman with long dark hair and pale skin. She smiled at me and handed me my schedule. I lingered in the office for a minute as I read it over, and next to my name was another name...


     I inhaled sharply through my nose. Why didn't I at least study mythology if I knew I'd be here, I berated to myself mentally. Attached to my schedule was a name tag that simply read "Persephone" which I had to stick on my shirt. I laughed softly by how childish it felt, but I guess it made it easier to know which god was which. I figured "It should just be based on personality," but then I realized it would be better to know who to avoid or who to make friends with.

     "You must be Florinda!" said a feminine voice behind me. I turned to see this pretty girl with wavy brown hair and tan skin. I waved to her as she came over. She gave me a big smile and shook my hand. "Im Roslyn, but you can call me Rose  if you want," she said before flipping her thick hair over her shoulder. "What would YOU liked to be called?"

"Linda is fine! Uh, how did you know it was me?"

"Oh I agreed to help you out today, and I was told to look for the short girl with the pink hair," Rose said. I rubbed the tips of my hair, remembering that its been a while since I dyed it.

"What grade are you in?" I asked.

"Well, if this was a normal high school I'd be a junior. But here I'm in the Olympian class. How about you?" she asked and I shrugged. I looked at my schedule and I was also in the Olympian class. What did that mean?

"Alright, so I suggest that you put the tag on since you're new - I know it's stupid but its just for today - and then I'll introduce you to some friends of mine!" I stuck the tag on my shirt and we walked out of the office. We approached these two girls. One was tall with thick, curly hair (which was ginger) and light brown skin. The other has shorter, had brown hair, and was fair skined. They looked at us and the taller one looked at Rose then down at me. I noticed the many freckles on her face, and figured that she must've been mixed.

"Whats your name?" She asked nodding to me, catching me off guard. Her voice sounded like it could be a low "alto" in music.

"Linda, and yours?"

"Diane. So you're Persephone, huh?" She said. Per-se-fa-nee...hopefully I remember that. "Do you know any Greek mythology?" She asked, in which I shook my head. I saw her reach in her pocket and she pulled out a folded name tag. Artemis.

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