I Love You

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I've been waiting for this moment
Been praying for this day to come
To finally tell you how I feel
To finally free my heart and mind

Those three words I kept
I wanna say it with no regret
Tell the whole world how I felt
Say to you and see you melt

Now that the world knows it
I want you to know that I mean it
Those three words I kept in my heart
I didn't say till I know you won't break me apart

I love you and I want the world to know
They may say it's not true but at least you and I know
What I truly feel is that I love you so
You said you feel the same, I'm happy to know

Today is just the beginning of this wonderful feeling
Let's help each other and give our life a new meaning
I'll be there through ups and downs supporting
I won't leave you and I'll keep you smiling

I promise to love you everyday
Can you also promise me the same?
I will never break your heart, okay?
You're a dream come true, what else can I say?

I already said it so many times
I love every second spent with you
And I hope you'll be there for life
All that I want is for us to last
Grow old together and have a happy life

I love you and I will never get tired of repeating
I hope you don't mind cause you'll be hearing this every morning
I promise I won't get tired hearing the same thing
Let's say those three words till our heart's last beating

-M.CN.C 09.01.16

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