The Music In Me Grayson

I strummed some chords on my neglected Fender while Lilly slept peacefully in the other room. She fell asleep on the couch during a movie, some chick flick about a cowboy's longest ride. I bet Laurabelle would like that movie.

I left my guitar at home when I went to college last fall. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until now. Gracie. My beat up acoustic. She was my first love. And even though I'd had many strings since her, she stayed with me. And played with me because she knew my heart.

Dad taught me everything he knew about guitars. Electric. Bass. Acoustic. Unplugged or fueled with an electrical buzz. It didn't matter. I never got enough of the strings. The sound that was more than words. The harmony. The soul. The angry beat that ran through my veins.

Tonight, we wrote a new melody, Gracie and me. A song about a girl from Kansas City.

Dreams Laurabelle

My pocket startled me, woke me via vibration. I was dazed with no idea what time it was. Remmy was on the couch, Shanna on the floor with me. The movie's intro music played over and over. I collected my wits and found myself wildly fishing the phone from my pocket.

"Hello," I offered groggily.

"Hey," Grayson whispered. "Did I wake you?"

"Yes, but it's okay."

My tone tried to convince him. "Geez, I'm sorry, Laurabelle. I got caught up in something, and it's later than I realized."

"I have no idea what time it is, so it's fine, Grayson."

"I didn't want you to think I forgot about you," he joked.

"I'm glad you called," I told him.

"How was dinner?"

"Good. Fun. Fine."

"What did you do after?"

"Walked around the city...watched a movie...fell asleep during the movie actually."

"Must've been a good one," Grayson teased.

Shanna stirred in her sleep even though I barely laughed. Shoot. "Hey...Shanna, wake forgot to take your contacts out." I watched Shanna enter the bathroom before going back to my conversation. "Sorry about that," I told him.

"No problem. So, which movie put you to sleep?"

"A good one. Bride Wars...have you seen it?"

"Uhhhhh, no." Grayson laughed, and I closed my eyes trying to imagine his everything.

"It wasn't as bad as it sounds," I swore through a yawn.

"I should let you go, Laurabelle." Grayson's voice held concern, "I shouldn't have called you this late."

"I'd much rather talk to you than catch up on my beauty sleep," I replied.

"You're crazy if you think you need beauty sleep, Laurabelle...I think you're beautiful." He cleared his throat, and I blushed crimson. No one besides Niles and Julie had ever called me beautiful.

"Thank you," I said, relieved to be in Shanna's dark house where Grayson couldn't see me. I should've left it at that, but no..."you're easy to look at too, Grayson."

"Thanks," he laughed, "...I think."

"Sorry," I admitted, "my awkwardness comes out in full force after midnight."

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