Max Caulfield x reader | Paint

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Hey everyone I still suck at this and this one shot is short af but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Another bad day. You've had a lot of those lately. School has successfully made you into a total stress ball. You sighed loudly on your way to art class, you haven't finished your painting due to other stupid classes and the teacher let you use the room and supplies you needed after class. You opened the door and walked into the empty classroom and your shoes made a soft echo with every step you took. You put your painting down on the black table and walked towards the shelf to take brushes, paint, etc. You sat down and stared at the painting. Only one third of it was done and it's just some pinkish-orangey sunset, or whatever, you didn't even know at this point, but still continued to add on pastels. One of the little paint bottles fell off the table, and when you bent over to pick it up, you noticed a certain dark messenger bag that belonged a certain girl. Speaking of, you turn your head back towards the door when you hear footsteps and see her. Max Caulfield. There are thousands of people on earth, but you had your bet on Max being the cutest person alive. "So I did leave it in here.." She chuckles. You smile at hold it out to her "Yeah" you replied. She takes it, and then you both just looked at each other for a few moments, each admiring the other's beauty. "Um, did you finish Mr.Johnson's homework?" She asked. "Yeah, I can help you if you want." You offered. "Okay." She smiled and sat on the stool next to you, put her bag on the table, and took out the thin packet. "Okay so I only have like five questions left, but they make no damn sense." She said. You picked up your paint brush again and started slowly stroking pink across the canvas. "Read out the one you're on." You said, still working on your painting. You only heard about three words Max said before zoning out and stress took over your mind again. We literally just got back from winter break, and they're already piling homework on us?! Couldn't they have waited half a week at LEAST?! Max must have noticed your somewhat angry expression because she asked "Are you okay?" "Why do teachers hate us?" You replied. She laughed lightly "I hear you, but you had two weeks to finish that painting." "Do you want help or not?" You pouted at her while taking your brush and dashing a big streak of pink on her hand. "Hey!" She said while dipping her finger in the yellow on the paint palette and swiping it across your cheek. "Max! Stop!" You said while painting another line on her chin. "You started it!" She laughed and wiped the remaining paint on her finger on your arm. "Okay, truce." You stated going back to your actual painting instead of the adorable girl beside you. About 20 minutes went on and by the time you finished your painting and she her homework, the sun had gone down and it was dark. You returned your painting to the back of the art room to dry and you and Max headed back to the girls dorm together. Your room was closer to the entrance, and unfortunately the farthest from Max. You both stopped in front of your room and before walking in she said "Thanks for helping me Y/N. And letting me stick around while you painted." She admitted softly smiling at you. "Well thank you for this killer highlight." You joked dramatically feeling the dry paint still on your cheekbone. You would have to scrub that off with a baby wipe before bed. You both laughed to each other and turning to twist the door handle, you had a sudden burst of confidence, turned back around and pressed your lips to Max's cheek. You pulled back and quickly smiled at her, and then ran into your room. You couldn't help but smile widely after realizing what you had done, and Max couldn't help but blush madly and smile on the short walk to her room. 

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