Chapter 1: Brother

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A full moon winter night awoke in Harrison Town as the kids went back to their houses after a fun day of playing in the snow, tricking their friends, and procrastinating studies. The cold breeze blew brown fallen leaves, animals went back to their shelters, and snow began to fall again. In nearby houses adults began to prepare their hot baths, hot chocolate for the kids and homemade s'mores for the entire family.  But not everyone was calling it done for the day.

A group of teenagers planned a prank on a friend near the intersection. Between them stood Alexander Whitlock, he was as quiet as he could be. The teens talked about how they wanted to surprise their victim. Suggestions passed around; small homemade bombs, bucket of hot water, dozens of rotten eggs, and all other kind of disgusting things they could imagine. Alexander wasn't too fond of his friend's ideas, but he wanted to stay part of the group. One of them turned around to Alexander and nodded at him. "Alex, what do you think we should do?" He hesitated, but he wasn't going to lose his spot in the group. "I think it would be fun to use the rotten eggs."

 The same guy as before gasped in excitement. "We will mix some of our ideas. Alana will create a very special birthday present for our victim." Alana O'Neill smiled maliciously. "I know! I will put a homemade bomb in a box, along with some rotten eggs in there. I will wrap it as a Christmas present, too. Once he opens it and the bomb explodes, he will be covered in rotten eggs!" Everyone applauded. The first guy kissed her, and said, "And Alexander will be the one to give him our very special present."

Alexander took a step back; he would be the one to be blamed for the mess. "You aren't scared. Are you, Alexander?"

A strong cold gentle breeze passed by Alexander and he didn't answer. The group was startled by a screeching tire sound and the image of an out-of-control car coming their way. The car crashed against another nearby parked car, causing it to hit two of the teenagers as the original car flipped through the air and was about to hit Alexander, who was pulled away with force. The car hit another teenager against a wall as the remaining teens screamed in fear. Alexander was face down in the snow, too shocked to move. He kept seeing the car going straight towards him, but was saved on the last second. Cold, the snow is so cold.  He could hear Alana crying over her boyfriend whose body was under the devastated car. The other few unhurt were equally scared. Alexander tried to get up, but he passed out.

"Alexander Whitlock?"

Alexander opened his eyes, a policeman stood in front of him. "Welcome back, young man." Alexander looked around and recognized he was in a hospital room. The policeman extended his arm with a hot chocolate cup in his hands. "Don't just stare, take it. It will do you good." He took the cup and looked down at it without ever taking a sip. The policeman frowned and left the room. Alexander was confused. Was it Michael Whitlock, Alana's boyfriend, who pulled him out of the way? Michael... was he now a dead man? He imagined how destroyed Alana felt. But, he felt nothing. Empty.  Someone knocked on the door but Alexander didn't answer. A tall, blonde woman walked in. Her face was red, she had cried far too much. She sat next to him on the bed; his hot chocolate cup getting cold. "Alex..." He remained silent. She touched his forehead. "What were you guys doing there?"  He remained silent. "Alex! I need to know what were you and Michael doing there so late! And the other kids..."

Alexander looked at her. "Is Michael dead, mom?" His mother looked away. "Mom... I think he saved me." The woman started sobbing, got up and left without any other words. Alexander looked down at his cold chocolate cup once again. He closed his eyes, loosened his grip on the cup and let it spill on the white sheets. He laid back. "I'm sorry", he whispered to the empty room.

A week later, Alexander Whitlock finished preparing himself for his brother's funeral. The snow storm had passed. The snow had been cleaned off the streets and the black ice had been taken care of. He stared at the mirror, not really looking at himself or at anything in the reflection. He was lost in thought. Had his brother really saved him in the last second, giving his own life? He sighed. He always felt rejected by his brother. Michael was 21 years old, and he was just 4 years younger. Michael won against him in everything, making him feel so inferior. Michael was the cool guy, and he was the loser. He was always the shadow to his brother. But after all that, had his brother really given everything for him?  He swallowed hard. His thoughts were too difficult to take in. His great big brother was now dead.

Would he still be alive had he stayed home that night? His brother would have probably survived. Alana would still have her man. Alexander felt guilt. His mother had not cooked during the entire week. They had barely talked to each other. He wasn't attending school. He ignored everyone's calls. 

At the funeral, Alexander looked around at the attendants. Alana couldn't stop crying. His uncles and aunts stayed quiet, everyone looking at the descending coffin. He was calm until he spotted Christopher Felloni. Chris was going to be the group's rotten egg bomb victim. He was, in fact, very despised by the group. And yet, Christopher attended Michael's funeral. Of course, Chris was unaware of the group's intentions towards him, but it was still very shocking for Alexander.  All he wanted to do now was to properly befriend Christopher, ashamed of what could have happened to him.  

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