A "Crunching" Family Skate X Brayden Point

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You have been dating Brayden for a few years now. You knew that last year was probably going to be his last year with the Moose Jaw Warriors. You knew that he would probably play in the AHL and had decided to attended University of Syracuse while he would be playing on the Syracuse Crunch. The two of you would be living together while down there.

The two of you were just moving into your new apartment and Brayden began to tell you about the family skate was having to kick off the season next week. He asked if you would like to attend with him considering his family would not be able to attend. You said yes and the next day, Brayden took you out to buy skates.

The Next Week

Today was the day of the family skate and Brayden had woken you up with breakfast in bed. He could be so sweet sometimes, okay all the time. After breakfast the two of you got dressed and headed to the rink. Brayden grabbed your new skates and led you to dressing room. He pulled of the boots you had on and you put your skates on. Brayden laced up your skates for you before putting on his own.

As you stood up and began to walk toward the tunnel, you kept losing your balance. Thankfully you had Brayden behind you to hold you up. "If you are having this much problems standing up, I cant wait to see what you look like on the ice."

You laughed as he placed his arms around your waist for a moment before helping you down the tunnel. Once you reached the door on the bench you placed your hand on the boards to help keep yourself up as Brayden steps on the ice so that he can help you onto it. You take one step and almost landed on your face and you probably would have if Brayden hadn't caught you. "I thought you said you had me."

"You didn't fall did you?"

"Technically not but I almost did."

Brayden laughed and you tried to skate as Brayden held you up, hands on your waist. He was skating backwards being a show off as he kept you up. You slowly began to get the hang of it as you watched Brayden skate. That was until you tripped taking Brayden down with you. The two of you laid there as everyone else enjoyed some time with their families.

As the two of you got up the was a few voices coming from the bench. It was Brayden's family. You had convinced them to try and make the flight down for the skate and luckily they were able to do so.

"Mom, dad. What are you guys doing here?"

"Y/N called and said that the team was having a family skate and asked if there was any way we would be able to make the flight down for the weekend."

"Y/N, you didn't have to do that but thank you. It means a lot that you did this." He leaned down and gave you a kiss. "Now let's get you off these skates."

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