Chapter 3

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"It's fine, Jamie. There is nothing you can do now. All we can do now is deal with these monsters." Manny said and patted his head."Yeah. Don't beat yourself up for creating and using your imagination." North said and smiled as Jamie smiled."So shall we go or keep talking about it?" Jack asked impatiently, secretly ready to meet the personification of what Jamie sees him as.


"So where is she?" Bunny asked and held his weapons, ready to fight."Probably her room. There!" He cheered and pointed to a closed window with an air conditioning unit. They all looked in and saw a young woman dancing as soft ballad music played."Wow. She doesn't look like me at all." Jack said and Jamie nodded.

"I knew as a human, silver would mostly be blonde. I made it golden because it's a combination of beach blonde as silver would be and your original brunette." Jamie said and smiled."I love a shirt my mother has that goes off the shoulders. Hers is purple though so i made it royal blue like yours." He said and giggled."Then i added jeans because i like them." He said and shrugged.

"What about those boots? She couldn't possibly be able to walk in those." Bunny said and Jamie smirked."My mother told me that if a woman can do everything you can in flats in heels, then you are very powerful. I made her have so many abusive lovers that she never trusts anyone." Jamie said and frowned before sighing.

"Wow...uh, Jamie do we need to talk?" Jack asked his friend who shook his head no."That's what a Creepypasta is suppose to have. A terrible backstory or a creepy design. It's mostly one or the other but rarely you'll find one with both such as Ticci Toby." Jamie explained and smiled."Well who goes first to greet her?" Jack asked nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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