Chapter 2

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"Yes this is me. I'm sorry i have never shown myself to you, Jack, or spoke but i have always listened. I'm so sorry for that. Would you ever forgive me?" Manny asked him softly. Jack sighed and looked away."North why did you call me here?" He asked sternly."Well, Jack. There is a big problem. You see Pitch has enlisted the help of killers. Mythical killers called Creepypastas. They show no mercy. They kill anything they want." He said as Jamie went wide eyed.

"C-Creepypastas?!" He asked happily and squealed."I can't believe it! Me and my friends each made one. I-I made one based on Jack." He said and frowned softly."I never thought they were real." He said in shame."They are, child. They just have powers by how many people believe in them." Manny said and smiled.

"Please just focus, child. You're Creepypasta might be able to save the children." He said and smiled at him."But i don't know where she would be." He said and frowned."Wait? Jamie you made a killer based on me...a she?!" Jack said in shock."Yeah. I thought it would make her cooler." He joked nervously."Fine." He said and smiled softly."So where would this girl be?" He asked as Jamie thought about it."She can only survive in freezing cold so in the mansion she would be in a very air conditioned room." He said and smiled."Meaning a window room and high up to get the best air." He said proudly.

"Okay so that leaves a lot of rooms to search." He said and tapped his foot."Well her room should be blue and the only one with an air conditioning unit." He said and shrugged."So what, pray tell, is her name?" Bunnymund asked and thumped his foot."Jacklyn." Jamie said and chuckled nervously."Wow. So you tried not to copy me, right?" Jack questioned."Yeah." Jamie said and smiled."So you made a girl with the gender opposite name of me?" He said and facepalmed."I know. Not my best idea." Jamie admitted and looked at his feet. 

Rise of the Guardians and Creepypasta CrossoverUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum