Christmas filming

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Lucy's POV:
My hand entwined with Ian's, my other hand rested upon his shoulder. His other hand curves around my waist, reaching around to hold the lower half of my back. Our eyes meet together, the music kicks in. Slowly we begin to dance   to the gentle melody. Ian begins to smile at me, his smile is contagious, I can't help myself and begin to smile back. Soon the smile turns into a inconspicuous laugh!

Ashley's POV:
I reach up, and cradle my hands around Tyler's neck. His hands gently wrap themselves around my waist. We begin to step along to the beat of the melody. Tyler began to give me a cheeky grin, I couldn't help but chuckle at him! We dance around the dance floor until I'm not facing the camera, so I can continue my silent chuckling! Tyler raises his finger and places it too my lips, implying for me too be quiet.

Shay's POV:
Lindsey smirks at me,
"Are you ready?" She whispers.
"As ready as I'll ever be!" I reply.
The music kicks in. The cameras roll. I place my hand onto Lindsey's right shoulder and slide my fingers into hers. She places her hand to my right, cupping my hip. We sway in unison side to side, spinning slowly as we go.

Troian'S POV:
I stand behind the cameras, watching the ships, as fans call them, dance to the music. I would usually be up there dancing with keegan too, but in the show keegan plays Toby, and Toby has broke his leg. I couldn't imagine it would end very well if I tried to dance with Keegan now, I'm terrible at dancing anyway. Never mind dancing with a guy wearing a cast! I turn around to go get my makeup re-done when I bump into keegan...well trip over his cast!
"Oh my gosh! Troian are you ok?!" Keegan says to me.
"Shhhhh, they are filming, yes I'm ok!!" I reply, laughing at my clumsiness.
Keegan offers me his hand to help me up. I grab on and stumble up too my feet. Keegan begins to join in, laughing with me at my clumsiness.
"Thankyou"I reply
"Are you sure you're ok Troian!?"
"Yes, honestly I'm fine!!" I realise I'm limping as I stand.
"Anyway" I say "what are you doing on set, you aren't on call for another..." I look at my watch "hour and a half!?"
"Am I on strict instructions now, I must be on time to set, no earlier, no later?!"
We both laugh.
"I came early to bring coffee, you usually crave the stuff around this time, plus it's your favourite, Starbucks!"
"Yeahhhh that is true, my 5 o'clock coffee cravings!"
"Iced coffee with almond milk, right? And a bagel?"
"You know me too well!"
Keegan passes me the cup of coffee and bagel.
"Keegs, I've gotta go get my makeup re-done, ready for shooting, but thanks for the coffee and bagel!"
I begin to walk off. I feel someone grab my hand.
"Wait!" Keegan says. "Want some company?? I mean I've got nothing else to do, I might as well come with you!"
"Yeah that's cool" I reply
We smile at each other and walk off towards the makeup dressing room.

Thankyou for reading our first chapter, bare with us, we will get better at this process once we get used to it!! Katie was the proof reader in this episode (_k4tie_ ) and i wrote it!! May I just point out how crazy the pll summer finale was, like what?!?! Please vote and leave comments for improvements and ideas!! Thankyouuuuu! :)

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