The water had started to boil but Newt didn't care right now. "It's okay, Tommy. 'm fine. It was just your brain ... trying to digest the memories from a couple of days ago."

"I know ... doesn't make it any better though", Thomas mumbled.

Newt pressed a kiss to the brunet's shoulder and didn't say anything.

The blond just let his boyfriend take the comfort he needed until Thomas pulled away. The brunet put his hands on either side of Newt's face, just studying the blond's face before giving him a small smile. Newt smiled back, letting his hands rest on Thomas's waist, thumbs rubbing over the skin under the t-shirt.

"I love you", Thomas whispered.

"I love you, too."

"I think we'll have to boil that water again."

Newt chuckled. "Yeah."

The brunet leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead before pulling away.


They settled down on the couch with their cups, TV playing on low volume. They had a blanket resting over their legs and Newt was curled into the brunet's side.

"Night-TV sucks so badly", Thomas said before taking a sip of his tea.

"I know. And the bloody porn-commericals aren't making it any better", the blond replied.

It was 6am and some dumb horror movie was playing. Newt could feel his eyes droop, the warmth of the tea and Thomas's body heat only making him more tired and comfortable.

"I wonder when they'll finally realize that taking a shower in a haunted house at 2am is a stupid idea", the brunet commented.

"Or that running upstairs is not the way to go when a killer is chasing you", Newt added.

Thomas nodded against the top of the blond's head and was quiet for a few minutes. "Aaand he's going into the basement - what an idiot."

"Oh, the door is falling shut ... yeah, just shrug your shoulders because shit like that happens every day. He's not even checking if it's locked or not - what the bloody hell? ... Oh, now the flashlight's flickering - come on, man! That's not normal!" Newt rolled his eyes at the guy's sheer dumbness.

"Now he's dead ... Ah, see? The door is locked ... now the shower girl is dead."

They criticized the movie for a few minutes longer until their cups were empty. They put them on the coffee table and cuddled back onto the couch before falling into silence.


The next time Newt woke up was because of the noise. He blinked his eyes open, seeing the pattern of the living room couch - light filled the room and his head was resting on Thomas's chest, a blanket lay over him and his feet were trapped between the brunet's. Noise surrounded them - clattering from the direction of the kitchen and the sound of hushed conversations.

Newt lifted his head a little in order to look up at Thomas who was still fast asleep. He wiggled his right arm free from the blanket and the brunet's tight hold on him so that he could pat Thomas lightly on the cheek.

"Hey, Tommy. Wake up before your relatives start to take pictures", Newt said quietly.

The brunet crinkled his nose and turned his head, forehead now pressing against the backrest of the couch. Newt chuckled but kept patting Thomas's cheek before giving up on that and starting to tug at the brunet's ear. When that didn't work either, he began to tickle his neck. Thomas squirmed at that and almost threw Newt off the couch but the blond quickly wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist to stay put.

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