Loop -Part One

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The alarm clock buzzed 8:00am, Frederick sat up ready for another miserable school day, for a few moments he stared at the curtains. He noticed they had gaps which were letting in small beams of light along with a cold breeze from his open window. He got changed into his dull uniform and walked down his creaking stairs. He left the house and arrived at school early. As usual he sat by himself waiting for the bell to alert him lessons were starting. He was lonely at school as he was everywhere he went, making friends was never easy for him. Everyday, every lesson he sat, counting the minutes til school ended. The end of the day finally arrived so the teacher dismissed the class and Frederick was the first to leave. As he walked home he listened to the conversations of popular people who walked the same way home as him. All they talk about is rumours and gossip that spread around the year group, Frederick always thought other students just cause drama and he wasn't missing out on being friends with them; And although he wasn't happy that he was lonely, but it never really bothered him. Frederick felt a sense of relief as he walked down his home road, he managed a day without dying of boredom. The time was 8:30pm and Frederick laid in bed thinking about how his life is stuck on a loop, he would wake up, contemplate going to school, finish school and end up laying in the same bed and do it all over again. It didn't bother him, he gave up trying a long time ago. It's not like anything was ever going to change, with that thought he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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