|You're just a puppy!| Pierto X Reader

Start from the beginning

"Pietro!?" You shouted. Silence. You jog up the stairs, looking in the bathroom, nothing. You walk into your bedroom, there was Pietro. He sat on the floor, head down, looking at a broken vase. "Pier?" You asked, walking slowly towards him, trying to not step on any broken pieces.

"I'm sorry, I knew you liked that vase. I didn't mean to." He was obviously upset. You simply chuckled at his sensitivity. "Pietro, it's okay. It's replaceable, I'm glad you didn't get hurt though, that's something that isn't replaceable." You could tell he felt a little better. "Gosh, you're such a puppy." You chuckled.

It was thundering. A little storm was announced a few hours ago, the citizens of NewYork treated this day just like any other. Still going to work, attending appointments. But your boyfriend, being the actual puppy he was, got scared.

You arrived home from work, an office job

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You arrived home from work, an office job. The place was quiet, too quiet. Pietro didn't tell you that he was going out? Maybe his plans changed. You walk into your bedroom, kicking off your heels and changing into some pyjamas.

Thunder rolled loudly. "Damn..." You mumbled, tying your hair into a bun, turning on the tv in your room. You plopped into the bed but a rush of pain ran into your lower back. "Fuck!" You shouted. You landed on something, you pull the covers; fucking Pirtto in a little ball. "Oh my god." You mumbled, he was literally in a ball.  "Hi, (Y/N)." He mumbled. "You're such a puppy." You got under the bed covers and cuddled until the storm was over.


It was his birthday and you had a perfect idea. A puppy! Now he wouldn't be lonely when you go to work, he'd have some responsibility to partake and puppies are just so cute.

At the pet store, there were so many to choose from

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At the pet store, there were so many to choose from. You wanted something small, but not too small. Because having a big dog in an apartment isn't the best idea. There were so many breeds to choose from. The worker suggested a border collie. It was the perfect choice.

You browsed through the selection of collies until your eye met one in particular. He was white and had some tan-coloured spots. "That one is Flash." The girl said, smiling,

" The girl said, smiling,

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He was perfect. "I'll take him." You said.

The worker had brought him to the counter, gave you some forms to fill in. You filled them out quickly, also purchased a collar, leash, dog bowls, puppy pads, toys, food, and treats. You were all set to go. With a simple swipe of a card, you also purchased a dog kennel.

Gently, you force through the busy streets of NewYork. Flash whined a little, but you just coped with it for a while until you arrived at your apartment. With two trips up the elevator, you got everything in your place. Pietro was gone with Wanda for the day, to spend some sibling time.

You put everything away in the bathroom, stacking it making a presentable setting. You played with Flash for a bit, to get to know him better. He was a bit shy at first but he quickly switched to his bubbly personality.

"Miss (Y/N), Mr. Maximoff is approaching the premises," Jarvis warned you. Quickly, you bring he puppy upstairs, placing him in the bathroom and closing the door.

Then you raced to the couch, pull out your phone as if that's what you were doing all day. You hear the doorknob jiggle, then it opened. "(Y/N)! I'm home!" He grinned widely as you rushed to him and gave him a hug. "Happy birthday." You kissed him, he kissed back, eagerly. Pietro, obviously wanted it to get heated, but you reminded yourself that there's a little puffball waiting upstairs. 

"Um- pietro, I like the idea, but I sorta have something for you." You broke the kiss. He cocked his head and lifted a brow.  "A present. For the birthday boy." You poked his nose. He chuckled, you take his hands and pull his up the stairs. "Okay, it's behind that door." You pointed.

"Shower sex?" He asked. You giggled, he was always horny on his birthday. "No silly. Open it." You crossed your arms. He just looked at you and hesitantly opened the door.

It revealed the puppy; Pierto's hands immediately shot up to his mouth. "Oh my gosh," he mumbled into his hands, crouching down to the puppy. Flash's tail shook vigorously and jumped all around. He was excited. "Hi..." He said to Flash petting him.

"Do you like your gift?" You asked sitting down next to him. "Yes! He's a boy?" Pietro asked picking him up like Simba in the lion king. "What's his name?" He asked. "Flash." Pietro smiled and gave the pup kisses all over, Flash doing the same, licking his chiselled features. "Thank you so much, I love him. I love you." He turned his face towards you. "You're welcome." You grinned.

He gave you a passionate kiss, then you both started to play with Flash. Pietro had the honour to put on the collar that had been branded at the shop. His face lit up, as he put the leather collar on the small creature. That night, Pietro showed Flash all around the house, telling him what was not okay to chew on, as if he could understand.

You were all in bed after you and Pietro had a little fun. The dog laid in between you both and fell asleep in seconds. "He's so cute," Pietro mumbled admire his little companion. "So are you, puppy." You cooed. Pietro chuckled quietly and gave you a kiss.

"You know, we can't cuddle now because he's sleeping right in between us." He pouted. "Just let him, for one night after that we'll adjust him to sleep on the edge of the bed." You said.

"Best birthday ever," Pietro mumbled. You smiled.

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