Love's Complicated - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

“I'm waiting for a thank you, you know.”

“What? Why?”

“Well I did just get you out of an unwanted date.” Avery frowned. “Who said it was unwanted?”

“Your body language for one, your lame excuse of helping Fi and the way you didn't even fight me for a ride.”

Avery pondered on her answer, surprised he'd got so close to the mark. “How do you do that?”

“You're pretty easy to read sometimes, Avery.”

Avery laughed bitterly. “Like mother like daughter apparently.” A tense silence fell over the two as Aden turned onto her street.

“Is that why you moved down? Your mother?”

“Kinda, it's...complicated.” She laughed again, and Aden sent her an inquiring look before shutting off the engine in her driveway.

“I've got time.”

And just like that, Avery found herself telling Aden everything about the past few years, from her mothers drinking habits to the way she used to despise her, and eventually, when she said if she ever saw her again she'd kill her. Avery wanted to hit herself. She hadn't even told Tally or Fiona, so why was she telling Aden? She closed her eyes and waited for his response, trying to fight the tears wanting to fall.

He pulled her into a one armed hug. She was so shocked, she froze.

“My mum left when I was younger, and my dad was so angry at the world for it, he took it out on me. I used to spend most of my time at Blake's. He forced me into sports, and know we barely talk at all, apart from the usual argument.”

Avery took the information in. It was stuff he didn't normally tell people, she could tell. She stared up at his face, and smiled slightly.

“I guess we're both a little mucked up, then.”

“Not us,” he replied in a quiet voice. It was soothing, and Avery felt like snuggling closer. “Them.”

“Why are you telling me this? Why haven't you just left your dad?” Avery asked slowly, and she felt him shrug.

“I'm not sure. You're easy to talk to. And it's not as easy as that. He uses me to get recognized. Like I'm his little puppet he can get out of the closet when it suits him. I can't leave because I do feel sorry for him, sometimes. He's so alone. Your lucky, Avery. You got to move away from your problems, I go home every day to them.”

Avery watched him with new wonder. If he wasn't happy with his life, he never showed it.

“Thank you, Aden.” She said quietly, pulling away from him. His lips formed a small smile.

“You're welcome.” She jumped out of his car, feeling more refreshed then she had in a long time. Turning to wave at him, she opened her front door and Fiona leaped at her the instant she closed the door.

“Was that Aden I just saw you with?” She asked, and Avery jumped. Fiona looked like a schoolgirl, asking for all the gossip and juicy details.

“Yup.” Avery popped the 'p'. Fiona squealed, and Avery couldn't help but laugh. “How old are you, Fi?”

“Not too old to ask if he made a move!”

Avery smiled. He did more than that. He let her in, and as much as she still was wondering why, it was nice to talk to someone about her mother, even if it was Aden and not Tally or Fiona.


“Why not?”

Avery shrugged. “Fiona! I've only known him a little over a week!”

“That's enough time, I might have to give him a hint next time I see him.” Avery's eyes bulged. “No! Don't do that Fi!”

She laughed, hugging her niece. “I was kidding, Av. It was funny watching your reaction though.”

“You know sometimes I feel like I'm older then you.” Fiona waved off the comment. Instead, she bounded into the kitchen, checking her phone.

“Oh, work rang me. I missed it. I better go in and see what they want. I'll see you later tonight.” Fiona kissed her forehead, before rushing out the door.

As she watched her aunt go, she wondered why Fiona didn't have a man. She was gorgeous, funny, smart. Any man would go for her. She remembered a long time ago when her father and Fiona were talking. It didn't mean much at the time, but she still remembered how upset her aunt was. Thinking hard, the memory rose to the surface.

It's okay, Fi. He obviously isn't worth it if he just got up and left.”

But-” Fiona sniffed, “-he was the one. I'm not fooling myself this time, he was.”

He pulled her into a hug as Avery watched from the doorway. Fiona cried into her fathers shoulder, and she sneaked back to her room, not thinking anything of it.

That had to be at least 11 years ago now. Avery was six, and she was now seventeen. She thought hard, trying to figure out her aunts age. It clicked. Fiona had been seventeen herself.

Suddenly, Avery knew where to look. She remembered some storage boxes in the attic, and ran upstairs, finding the photo box.

Then there he was. The guy smiling widely down at Fiona as she laughed at the camera, both with their arms around each other. He reminded her of Aden. The blue eyes, the hair colour. Feeling a headache coming on, she decided to think about it more later. Putting the photo back in the box, she trudged back down the stairs. She'd ask Fiona when she got home later. Right now she was concentrating on the craving of spaghetti in her stomach.


I kinda had to get Aden's and Avery's relationship moving, so I chucked in a little heart to heart scene. Hope it wasn't too boring or forced. :)

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