June, 2016

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2nd day of June - it was his birthday so I greeted him a happy birthday with the use of private message hours later he replied and thanked me of course it made me happy because he appreciates mu greeting for him even though it's just a simple "Happy Birthday" and that is the last day we chatted.
School started on the 15th so I woke up early got my self ready for school had my breakfast and went to school I was expecting to see him that day in school but I wasn't so I Continue my day in school. Everyday I am hoping to see him in school but sometimes I don't see him maybe because he is too lazy to go downstairs or he is saving money for future use. You know what, what I like about him is that he's intelligent and handsome at the same time. Everyday I stalk him in his social media accounts to be updated to him. I maybe a stalker but I'm never obsessed with him that I being "FC" with him. We maybe close through chat but when it comes to face to face conversation I can't maybe because I'm shy to do it and I also have nothing to say to him.

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