4. Nope

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"We seriously need to get of the road, maybe stay somewhere for a bit?" I grumbled
We had been on the road for what seemed like an eternity and we'd even gained a member 'Vasquez'.
He and warren had hit it of well, Addy was happy for her because apparently she had someone before I got here but he had been killed.

"Yeeees c'mon warren I want to have a proper sleep!" Addy adds in.
Doc and Murphy nods in unison when warren turns around to look at us all.
"Fine next place we find!"  She sighs.
We drive for another 20 minutes before a small ranch came into view,
"There!" I shout making 10k Jump from beside me. Warren turns to look at me before speeding up and turning into the drive way, there was big wooden gates blocking the ranch from the road but one had been left open. This meant there was a good possibility there was z's.
"I'll close the gate behind us." Mac nods jumping out the truck and bolting the gate.
We all decided on checking the house out first, it was pretty clear, there was only two z's which seemed to be an old couple, the house was also fairly stocked of cans.

Behind the house was two barns, one large and red another the size of two large sheds put together. Near to the small barn was a sand arena and a well.
"I think we should check out the red barn first!" Doc says.
"Whys that?" Mac replies.
"Just a feeling, yanno reds a powerful colour." Doc smiles.
"Go on then." Warren adds in.
"Wait. What if there's like a zombie chicken in there or something?" Addy stutters.
"Zombie chicken? Really?" Vasquez laughs.
"We've seen a zombie bear before so could be possible." 10k says from the back of the group.
Of course Murphy wasn't with us he was back at the house catching up on his 'beauty sleep',

I was in such deep thought about how lazy Murphy is I didn't realise everyone was staring at me.
"Yes?" I remark.
"Can you control everything zombie?" Vasquez asked.
"Pretty much?" I say unsure. Vasquez didn't answer he just nodded and signalled for Addy and Mac to stand either side of the door, then on his signal they opened it.
"Oh nope!" Doc said stumbling back.
"That is no zombie chicken!" Warren shouted.

Dad? He's your dad? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora