free samples

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Jade worked in a tiny store at a shopping centre just a few streets down her home. Since the shopping centre she worked at was almost as old as her grandmother, there were hardly people around the store, and if there was, it'd be creepy old men "looking" for herbs or energy products and taking every chance to get close to the brunette.

Her life at work was the same old until a blonde girl ran pass the free samples stand just to grab a small cup of noodles (that were apparently said to be more nutritious and healthier), then running off as soon as she grabs it - almost as if she stole it.

Jade never understood why the blonde continuously came by each day since and doing the same routine over and over again but she found it hilarious, it definitely became Jade's favourite thing to see while working through the mundane hours.

"Jesy, remember the girl I was talking about? The one who always runs past the store for a noodle sample? Well, I think she's here and I have to go." Jade said her goodbyes then hung up, confident that she'd be able to catch the odd blonde today, and hopefully talk to her after seeing her do the same thing for almost a week.

"You know you don't have to run away each time you get a cup, right?" Jade spoke up when the lass was approaching.

"Oh my god, she's young and beautiful! Praise Jesus!" Jade's mind was screaming at how the taller girl looks incredibly attractive, even in a simple outfit – black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt.

"Uh, yeah I do. I was just shy," the ivory-skinned girl looked up at Jade while running her hair through her blonde mane awkwardly, "I'm Perrie." She went on to introduce herself.

"Jade." the smaller girl smiled back, immediately liking the sight in front of her.

"I was wondering whether you'd be interested to, you know, go out sometimes? Probably catch a movie or, ugh you get what I'm saying right? I promise I'm not a predator or anything like that, I'm 19 this year and if you don't want to, I get it and it's cool. God, I talk too much sometimes and I'm so sorry you have to deal with me right now." Perrie rambled out, rubbing her temple out of embarrassment.

"Under one condition,"

"Anything!" The blonde, quick to say.

"You'll stop grabbing those noodles because I'm pretty sure they aren't that healthy." Jade giggled out, causing Perrie to blush.

"Yeah, I will. Real easy. Those noodles aren't that tasty anyways," She chuckled.

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